
btw yall sorry for the sudden spam of Valorant stuff XD. im in love with this game and though im not doing any better than when i started, i love the lore, characters and everything about this game XD. dont be afraid to give me any oneshot requests for valorant or any other book. 
          	Alsooo i have this stand alone oneshot i did on A03 for a book someone else did. i may move it to wattpad i may not im still debating so if y want to see it here lmk.


btw yall sorry for the sudden spam of Valorant stuff XD. im in love with this game and though im not doing any better than when i started, i love the lore, characters and everything about this game XD. dont be afraid to give me any oneshot requests for valorant or any other book. 
          Alsooo i have this stand alone oneshot i did on A03 for a book someone else did. i may move it to wattpad i may not im still debating so if y want to see it here lmk.


Yall ligit have no idea how much I love Valorant rn. I have so many oneshot ideas for the Agents, AND I HAVE SO MANY FRRAKING CLIPS ON BOTH MY YT AND TIKTOK.. i seriously need to stop for like a day but I CANT! THIS GAME HAS MY HEART AND SOUL!!!!


ALSO any valorant writers wanna see if we can team up on a oneshot?! Just thought It’d be fun lollll


@goldpaw0821 Hmm send me your ideas but quick warning I'm collaborating with someone on a story at the moment and exams are still ongoing for me soo it might take me a while to respond but I'm open to collab! 


tato zpráva může být urážlivá
Am I the only one who hates when people are like.. “omg I’m so sorry guys I’m sooooo badddd just threw for the entire team” when they are in fact doing BETTER than you are?!
          My friends are so much better at Valorant than me, and I’m okay with that bc I don’t play often anyway (shooters make me super pissed) and yet AS MY FRIEND CARRIES THE DAMN TEAM he’s sitting there saying “omg I’m sorry, completely threw the game, did so bad” like bro you got 24 fucking kills to my 6?! 
          And yes I know that having that kinda mindset helps you get way better at the game, I get it, but I fucking HATE when they do that, then go “oh no you were shit” like I know I’m bad you don’t gotta rub it in