
Hello friends! How have you been? It's been a long while since the last time this site was active. Firstly, we hope you all had a great first half of the year. Secondly  we want to come back to Wattpad for bringing you new useful resources in order to help you to create your stories and their worlds.  During the following weeks we're going to try to update the resource  guide, and maybe add more sections to our site. We'd be very glad if you share this page to your friends in order to keep it growing!


Hello friends! How have you been? It's been a long while since the last time this site was active. Firstly, we hope you all had a great first half of the year. Secondly  we want to come back to Wattpad for bringing you new useful resources in order to help you to create your stories and their worlds.  During the following weeks we're going to try to update the resource  guide, and maybe add more sections to our site. We'd be very glad if you share this page to your friends in order to keep it growing!


The founder and soul of our community, Amanda  opened her graphic shop! If you need a cover for your book and want a very pretty one, please check it out! 


@ authoramandasumrall  You're welcome! ❤