
how’s everyone been?


it’s been, what, over 3 years now? i still can’t believe i remembered my password 


this message may be offensive
dear people, 
          it's crazy how much things can change. if i'm being honest, i never thought this would be my life. i am actually proud to say that i am happy where i am now. i know that i no longer post and that i'm rarely on. truth be told, at one point this site lifted my spirits but now? i feel like all it does is tear me down. i'm building a new life. i'm changing myself and i'm actually happy. i'm sorry to all the people i let down and i can't fully say i left this site behind me. this will always be apart of me and i'll come back every now and then. 
          this site taught me something important. it's all because of the people i met and the shit i went through and i'll always be grateful for those things.  
          however, this does not mean the end of my writing career. i will still write, just not on here. i run an ao3 account and am writing on there. maybe one day i'll post more on here but for now, i'm on hiatus and putting focus on a story and a fandom i excel in. 
          if you want to catch up, drop into my inbox. i'll tell you my twitter or something and we can catch up. 
          thank you for everything. 
          love, abi.


Hssosjsisksb I don't have Twitter kms, take care of yourself babes i love you ❤️❤️❤️