
Happy New Year Everybody!
          	This year has been a tough and stressful one but also a great one. I've gotten back into writing and I feel great about it. I actually spent the majority of today writing a plan for a new book. I've got stuff planned for the next few months and I'm very excited to write and release it.
          	Adding to all this; I am extremely grateful to everyone who has supported my writing this year and I hope you've enjoyed it! ❤
          	Here's to 2020!
          	Luv u xxxxx 


Happy New Year Everybody!
          This year has been a tough and stressful one but also a great one. I've gotten back into writing and I feel great about it. I actually spent the majority of today writing a plan for a new book. I've got stuff planned for the next few months and I'm very excited to write and release it.
          Adding to all this; I am extremely grateful to everyone who has supported my writing this year and I hope you've enjoyed it! ❤
          Here's to 2020!
          Luv u xxxxx 


          I will be posting a Shadowhunters FanFiction called; ANGEL WINGS - SHADOWHUNTERS on Saturday 12th October!
          Please read it, I've been working really hard on this book for a few weeks now and am really into it. Also, I really welcome constructive criticism, so if a word or phrase is spelled or worded wrong or something doesn't make sense please tell me so I can change it! I also love to hear what people think about my writing, my ideas and my characters.
          Anyway, it will be up on Saturday and hopefully I'll update weekly!
          Luv u all,
          Lyndz xxxxx


          Hello to anyone who is reading this right now! I am currently writing a new fanfiction based off of the TV show Shadowhunters and have recently published an imagines book!
          I only got into this incredible show about a month ago but am absolutely in love with it so decided to do some writing based on it!
          I don't know when I will start posting chapters of my book but it will be sometime soon since I'm about 6 chapters in right now and am writing fast!
          Also, It All Started On The Hogwarts Express has 12k reads!!!!! Thank you so much for your support, I really enjoy writing and knowing that people are reading it is so encouraging!
          Luv u all,
          Lyndz xxxxx


          The sequel to It All Started On The Hogwarts Express has arrived! Please go and give it a read. I've been working really hard on it. Thank you to the overwhelming support on the first one it has made me to happy and means so much to me, thank you!
          Luv u
          Lyndz xx


Love your book ' It All Started on Hogwarts Express.


@READTHEAWSOME Awwwwwwww I'm glad you like it :) 


Its the least I can do for someone who wrote such an anazing book


Hey, if you are reading 'It All Started On The Hogwarts Express' then read this:
          I won't be uploading another chapter until the new year because I've had a lot of things to do and now I'm completely free over the Christmas break so I will be writing non-stop so I have loads of chapters to put up when I get back to school.
          Thank you for being awesome!
          Luv u
          Lyndz xx
          P.S. Have a good Christmas!