
halfway through writing the last chapter of TO HELL AND BACK. thank you to my new readers, and my readers who have been here all ongoing three years. so many of you individuals have motivated me to keep going when i thought no one would care anymore and wanted to give up. i consider this my best piece of writing yet and cherish it and you all so much. 


@hudsonmillerr Nooo, is it really almost over :'(  How many chapters it it going to end with?


Hey, I really love your books, especially My kind of crazy!! The only problem is that I can’t finish it. For a membership at Patreon you need to have a creditcard, and I don’t have one… 
          Can you maybe put your books on Amazon? Reading the other comments, I think I am not the only one who would be interested in this!!


have you ever thought to puplish the books through amazon or ebay? I already bought one book from amazon that I read and fell in love with, when I read it in wattpad. The author know doesn't have the story available to read it in wattpad but gave the readers a choise to either buy it from amazon or I think to continue reading it throw Patreon.
          I don't like Patreon because I have to pay every month for a book. If I wanted to pay for a book, I would go and buy it.
          That is just my personal opinion and I really don't what to put you as an author or anyone else, in a difficult position. 
          Just an answer please if you are ever thinking of puplishing the book ''Hiding from the truth'' because really I LOVE it. And again, I am sorry if you took my messege the wrong way, your work as an author is amazing and you are very talented. Is hard to put emotions through words but when I was reading the book, I felt all their emotions because of how well they were written.


Can you maybe publish it at Kobo? I don’t have a creditcard (because it costs money in the Netherlands to have one), so I can’t subscribe at Patreon. But I really love your books, especially My Kind of Crazy.


Thank you for answering ❤️❤️
            I understand now why . Have a nice day (or night I don’t know if there are different time tables in our countries. Here now is 8 o’clock in the morning)


hi, thanks for your message!
            i honestly expect people on patreon to cancel their membership after one month, so they only end up paying the price once rather than it accumulating monthly. i would love to publish through another platform but unfortunately that costs a lot of money and would require a lot of interest from readers wanting to buy, and i’m not confident that many people would just yet. hopefully one day!! 


Are you planning on making any of your books available for purchase? Either via Amazon or your own e-version or paperback? I really enjoyed The Guilty as charged series. 


i would love to!! i would need enough people looking to purchase though and i don’t think many would as of now unfortunately


halfway through writing the last chapter of TO HELL AND BACK. thank you to my new readers, and my readers who have been here all ongoing three years. so many of you individuals have motivated me to keep going when i thought no one would care anymore and wanted to give up. i consider this my best piece of writing yet and cherish it and you all so much. 


@hudsonmillerr Nooo, is it really almost over :'(  How many chapters it it going to end with?


          Hello ! I love your book ''Hiding from the truth'' , you did amazing job!
          I don't know if anybody asked you before or not, but are you thinking of posting any extra bonus chapters of it in wattpad?Like what happends to them few years after and etc?
           I know many authors prefer Patreon, and if you want to keep those bonus chapters there, i respect that really, but i would REALLY REALLY LOVE it if you ubload them in wattpad as well .