
Hey all I read last night's chapter and found some mistakes.  I have fixed them to help the chapter run smoothly.  For those of you that have already read the chapter I hope you like the small changes.


I found another mistake and fixed it.  I had forgotten that Mindy's husband had died in a fire.  So, I made sure to change that in this chapter.


@humioka yes,mi liked the changes, thank you so much


Hey all I read last night's chapter and found some mistakes.  I have fixed them to help the chapter run smoothly.  For those of you that have already read the chapter I hope you like the small changes.


I found another mistake and fixed it.  I had forgotten that Mindy's husband had died in a fire.  So, I made sure to change that in this chapter.


@humioka yes,mi liked the changes, thank you so much


I noticed that there was an error in the storyline about Tristan's ex-girlfriend Wendy in an early chapter I had her expelled for attacking Katrina and being dragged back home to attend a local college.  Then in chapter 12, she was still around.  I fixed that error. 
          As for the delay in the update first I was dealing with Christmas and the deaths in the family.  Next came New Year's and my hubby being home.  Seeing as he was upset about losing his sister I was spending some quality time with him.  Next, I ended up reading some books and then I hit writers block.   About two weeks ago my Uncle passed away and I took it hard.  
          When ever we had a death in the family he was there for me to let me cry on his shoulder while my Aunts would tell me to be strong for my younger cousins.  Plus I was worried about my dad since this was the last of his brothers out of his five brothers.  All he has left are his two sisters.  
          Tonight when I sat down to write I decided to double check on some names and that is when I found the error and needed to fix it.  I hope you all enjoy the rewrite of the chapters containing Wendy.


@humioka Sorry for your loss, no worries, always waiting patiently for your new chapters, take your time


Hey all, just updated two new chapters to Truth Will Set You Free.  I hope you all are enjoying my new book.  I think I will be writing a new werewolf book after I finish this one but I will not make it a uniting the world book.  I really believe the reason it took me almost a year to finish the last one was because I had already written a few similar books before.  I have to remind myself to try not to stay with the same story line.  As always please like and comment on my chapters.


@humioka yay, so excited to read anything you write


Hey all, there will not be an update until later this week.  My husband came home unexpectedly and is only here for one night.    I don't know if I have told you all this but he is a truck driver and had to deliver a load close by.  Since he had to reset his hours so he could drive his truck he decided to come home so we could have family time. Plus my youngest daughter has a game. Don't worry I should be updating soon.  Be prepared to see what happens to Tristan and whether or not Katrina finally tells everyone her plan.  Did Tristan and her dad guess right?


@humioka I meant to say railroad I was so tired lol


@Katelyn768785 Right now I am working on an original story.  I will try to write another kissing booth book but I find it hard to do ever since the second movie.  Unfortunately it will have to wait until after I finish this book.


Going back through some of older published books I noticed some comments were reported.  I have nonidea who is doing this but know I appreciate all comments and it is NOT me.


@StacyLynn7  Ah thank you so much for the info.  I just want to make sure no one thinks it's me.


@humioka apparently its wattpad doing it I've seen other authors saying the same thing as you are I've actually stopped commenting because if it 


Sorry guysvI had a major case of writers block plus I started doing part time work and needed to get in the flow.  I think part of my problem was some problems in the published chapters.  I have decided to unpublish the chapters and do some editing.  The first two chapters are done and as usual please vote and comment.  I really enjoy every comment.


@StacyLynn7 Thank you so much.


@humioka take your time I love all your stories and would rather you take your time and make them the best you can then not be happy with your own work 


I have decided to help me get the chapters out faster I am not going to make it a goal to make sure every chapter is at least 2000 words.  I am just going to put them out when I feel the chapter is finished.


Hey, all.  First off I want to apologize for my long absence.  First I was hit with a major case of writer's block and could not figure out why.  It was not until I reread the story that it hit me.  I didn't like the connection between two characters.  I knew I had to get rid of at least one but was not happy about that idea because I love the characters name.  So, I decided to change that characters name and then my ideas started popping.  Right when I was getting started to put my ideas down I developed trigger finger.  As many of my loyal readers know I do not use my phone or tablet to write because I prefer typing.  My ideas flow out so fast that using my phone or tablet I am unable to keep up with my thoughts.  Typing is much easier for me so I use my computer.  With my left index finger out of commision I had to wait until it was gone.  Luckily I was able to get it taken care of but took a week for it to stop sticking and hurting constantly.  Now it is not so bad.   So hopefully tonight I will have at least one chapter up.  Oh on a side note please do not click on any links that are not posted by myself.  Someone has been posting links to adult sites on some of my books and I am not happy.  They have been reported and muted but with some of my readers being minors I am not apreciative of what this individual or group of individuals are doing.   Love you all.