
Guess what guys! It's officially been exactly two years since I started playing the guitar!! (Although it doesn't sound like I've playing for two years - I really need to practice more)
          	I've also been writing a little bit this morning (for literally the first time in weeks)
          	I haven't been very active lately, and I do apologise. School has been eating me alive
          	I'm going to really try to keep my promise and have my Roger Taylor fanfiction out before the summer, but you know me, it might not happen (apologies in advance) 
          	I hope everyone is having a lovely springtime (unless you're Down Under, which I believe it would be fall) and a happy (belated) Easter to all who celebrate! 
          	Have a good day my Dead Livers! xx


@DoitForJohnnyBONJOVI you should definitely try out Electric, it's so much fun!


@i_like_chopped_liver My teacher told me to do acoustic to start  It’s a lot of fun and I wanna switch to electric!


please make a sequel to screw you! if was soooo good


@duhnow_girl hey, I'm really glad you liked Screw You! Unfortunately, that was meant as a one-off and I no longer write for Thw Outsiders... sorry!


Guess what guys! It's officially been exactly two years since I started playing the guitar!! (Although it doesn't sound like I've playing for two years - I really need to practice more)
          I've also been writing a little bit this morning (for literally the first time in weeks)
          I haven't been very active lately, and I do apologise. School has been eating me alive
          I'm going to really try to keep my promise and have my Roger Taylor fanfiction out before the summer, but you know me, it might not happen (apologies in advance) 
          I hope everyone is having a lovely springtime (unless you're Down Under, which I believe it would be fall) and a happy (belated) Easter to all who celebrate! 
          Have a good day my Dead Livers! xx


@DoitForJohnnyBONJOVI you should definitely try out Electric, it's so much fun!


@i_like_chopped_liver My teacher told me to do acoustic to start  It’s a lot of fun and I wanna switch to electric!


Happy Flag Day Canada!
          On this day in 1965, the Canadian flag was raised for the first time!!


@tylenolprincess yeah I heard it's pretty cold there


@i_like_chopped_liver i’m from alberta it’s kinda starting to warm up. it was pretty nice for a while then it like snowed smh


@tylenolprincess omg what province are you from? I'm in Ontario and it was in the double digits last week, but then we got a random 10cm of snow yesterday


Guys, I have a serious question
          So I’m sure by now everyone knows I’m writing a Roger Taylor fan fiction and I really need to know if I should stick true to reality and have the tragic ending of Freddie’s death. I kind of really don’t want to kill him off, so please let me know what I should do
          Thanks guys 


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@i_like_chopped_liver just dont kill him. fuck history and reality and shit. just keep our beautiful boy alive xxx


@i_like_chopped_liver It's Wattpad, create your own universe. In my books, Freddie does not die. You write what you want to have happened.


this message may be offensive
Guys, I'm so embarrassed...
          So in gym today, we did the Illinois Agility Test (it's a running test, look it up if you don't know) and it's a timed thing. So I went into it super cocky thinking I was gonna beat my score from when I did it at the beginning of the semester. You need to start on your stomach and then get up and run, so that's what I did, except I went a little too fast...
          I don't know what happened, but I saw the ground coming closer to me face and all I thought was "oh shit, I'm falling." and the next thing I know, I'm on the ground...
          the thing was, I think I tried to keep running even though I was falling. 
          So I immediately got up, ready to try again, and I just looked at my gym teacher with my hand over my mouth. My gym teacher comes over to me and is like, "Oh my God! Are you okay?" blah blah blah and then she said, "don't worry about doing it again, you can sit out for the rest of the day like it's fine you don't need to do it." and she hugged me as I was fighting back the tears
          So then I was sitting with my friends after, trying to laugh away the embarrassment but I just ended up crying a little bit (from the embarrassment). My teacher gave me an ice pack and said that I took it like a champ and got up so glamorously like nothing happened and she said she'd have run out in embarrassment yada yada
          Later, I asked my friend if I looked stupid when I fell and she said, "I didn't see you fall, I just heard a thump and then looked over and saw you on the ground."
          anyways, how was your guys' day?


@i_like_chopped_liver Dang, I'm sorry. This is why I'm glad I don't have gym and my school offers choir, I do that. Also, my day was alright. :) I hope tomorrow goes better, and even though what happened today might be embarrassing, don't let it bother you, at least you were trying.


Guys, I did the beep test today... it was the highlight of my day (note the sarcasm)
          I did improve from last time, so I'm happy. I went from a 3.6 to a 4.2. I honestly could've gone for a little bit longer but I felt like I was gonna collapse and my throat was burning (I've been coughing ever since, how fun)
          Gotta live gym class...


Omdz mine was 1.6  last year


@hello38695 I've always hated gym. The reason I'm somewhat enjoying it now is because I have a bunch of friends in my class


@i_like_chopped_liver man beep tests are the worst, i used to love gym i fricken hate it now


Guys oh my God I'm so excited! I'm going to see Def Leppard, Journey & Heart on August 2nd!!! I can't wait!!!
          I also continued writing! (I've written more in the past two days than I've written in the last six months...) 
          Anyway, I hope maybe by the summertime (around June or July) I could have my book out. I know I've been teasing it for such a long time, but it won't be out for another while as I'm only on chapter seven...
          But I mean it this time when I say I'm gonna try for the summer. 
          A new semester starts in a couple of weeks (which means it's exams soon, ew) and it's filled with tougher courses (AP Math, AP Science, AP History and Visual Arts) but I will persevere through all that work and I will try to have something out for you guys soon!
          Okay, enough of my little rant or whatever, I hope everyone has a good day/night, whatever you are ;)
          Stay Gold, my Dead Livers!!!


@i_like_chopped_liver Omg!!! I love Def Leppard!!! I hope you enjoy the concert!