
Just wanted to say…thank you for 100 followers! :) I appreciate all of you. <33


The sudden urge just to unpublish all of my old appledash stories and some of my one shots. 
          Not regrettably attached tho, I love that story. :)


@iluvvvme_ i know, i haven’t been active for quite a while but i’m glad to be back!


@extracakeish I honestly thought you left, glad you hear from you. :)


@extracakeish I understand. I feel that way sometimes but I think it’s still worth a shot to see how far you go. :)


So I just thought of something that some of you probably never thought of either. All of the stories I wrote, I never really clarified the moral of the story because all the stories I make have a lesson behind it no matter what. Even though it's not meant to be said, I'm still gonna say it anyway...
          Our Hill Of Stars: Everyone has their opinions, but don't let your feelings make you do something out of character. 
          Unforgotten memories: Jealousy won't lead you to your heart desires, it'll take you further away from them. Never take something that isn't yours. 
          Summer Love: Life is full of surprises, good or bad. But at the end of the day, you only live once. 
          Love of Tomorrow: Take the risk no matter the amount of adversities you face, you might not have a chance tomorrow. Never hang around the wrong crowd. 
          Regrettably Attached: To be continued... :) (Can't tell you until the story is finished).


@iluvvvme_  loved the new Chapter!!! Sorry I didn't reply earlier, my Wattpad hasn't been notifying me for anything:((


@appledashobssesed thanks! I always tend to make stories and have a hidden message behind it so it’ll help people with their own lives and also be entertaining. :) and next chapter should be out sometime this week. :D


Hi guys, I hope you all are doing well. :)
          So I have a story that I'm gonna publish soon. No, it's not mlp. It's a story that I've been brainstorming for a minute now and I'm thinking about actually publishing it in real life, but I wanna publish it here first to see how that goes before actually attempting to publish it, which probably won't be until 2025 or later this year. I'm still trying to figure that out. But other than that, have a great day/night. :)


@iluvvvme_  You're absolutely welcome!


@iluvvvme_ yess that sounds great!!! I'd totally read anything you write!!


do you know what happened to rara? I can’t find her stories:((


@iluvvvme_ I used to be kinda friends with her, but I left social media for a while to deal with my mental health and I found out she was gone:(( she really had the best stories, I hoped one day I could be as good of a writer as she was 


@THEAWESOMEQUEEN_XOXO ikr! I really can’t believe she left, we weren’t close but her stories were really good 


@iluvvvme_ what..? but that’s so sad:( her stories were my favourites


You guys think I should bring “summer love” back in summer 2024?? I’m thinking about making a sequel, I have a few ideas. 
          And this one will be better than the first book bc of how much my writing improved. 
          And ik I said “regrettably attached” was the last mlp story but I don’t think one would hurt. But if I do make this story, most likely it’ll be the last one fr.


@Appledash010307 Me too! Not really though, fall is a week after my birthday so it doesn't count as much to me. But I'm glad you liked the story, although it could be better and the characters could have better personalities a little bit, I started writing that when I was in middle school.