
Hello lovely people!! Hope your day/night is going good! 
          	I made a new discord server for you chat while I write new chapters! Join if you want to ♡
          	The link will be in my bio 


Hi, my name is Alina. I am a fanfiction author, as well as a novice translator. Can I take your work and translate it into another language? All my translations come with an indication of the author and links to his profile and the original story


Heyo! Im so happy, i made up the name kiyo in my mind a couple months ago and i just found you had the same name! I made it up because my name's kiumie and it matched! Love your book btw! And welcome to over 300 followers so happy for you:) thanks abd you books THE BEST! Wish you the best of luck! Bye!


@monokumasimp79 Hii! I'm glad that you're happy and thank you for the support! You have a really cute name! Bye bye and stay safe :)