
I have a question/proposal. I was wondering if you can do a hotchniss story that started out with them being just friends, but can you make them stay friends for a longer than other stories.  then something happens like the BAU or police station that they are at catches on fire. Emily is still in there and everyone holds hotch back but he runs in there to find her and rescues her.  and when she is unconscious in the hospital he confesses his love for her. Aaron is the one that has to take care of her after and while he is at work she forms a really cute bond with jack(haley is still alive but they are divorced). when he comes home one night while Jack is with haley he finds emily drunk and she tells him how she feels.  also if you want you can have jj have a crush on emily so Aaron is jealous.(jj of course would not have met will). the team can be in it too. I KNOW That you do not have to do any of this but it would be a really col story I think. Thank you if you are reading this.  -joie buxton


@Paula_Cassidy I'm down for a 2 signatures so far


@JoieBuxton I would love that too
            we probably should start a petition xD