
The Book Cover for The Manuscript - A Taylor Swift  Inspired Story.  Check out it.  First Chapter Drops June 3rd.  Be sure you add it to your reading lists and library   #TaylorSwift


Looking for a nice afternoon read?    
           Catch up or check out The Book of Leah.   Chapter 23 is live today and gives a snapshot into Jake's relationship with his father.  
          Is it better than his mother ?  (ummm yes) ,  is it great. well,   I 'll let you draw your own conclusions.   
          So welcome Paul Stanton to The Book of Leah journey  coming to to you live by touchtone phone from Detroit.  
          So grab you Discman, your Nirvana or U2 T-shirt of choice, and  your Stonewashed denim  and take an afternoon trip to the early 1990s with The Book of Leah  ...


**Notice** -  "The Manuscript" a Taylor Swift themed novella (loosely inspired by the album) is officially under development (working with my creative team currently.)  The art for the cover should be dropping around June 1st.   Don't miss it.


@jmloveinlaodicea In the store where I work Taylor Swift was on the cover of like 5 different magazines at the same time! She is definitely popular right now lol that's for sure!


"Love isn't love till you give it away."  Four word etched on gold locket given to Leah by her mother and burned into her heart.  In that 1992 Summer before her Senior Year, Leah searches for healing, hope, and her place in this world as her life is turned upside down.     
          I hope all who follow me will take 10 minutes this weekend and share in The Book of Leah and will join in her, Bonnie, and Jake as their lives cross for one last summer .   Chapter 1 -  22 are out now.  Chapter 23 posting tomorrow as Memorial Day Bonus.   Dive in Today at


It's Sunday everyone and time for Top 7 of the Week.   
          This week we decided to pick some short stories, something you can read and enjoy in full within an hour or less,  as we all  get so busy this time of year.  
          So here are our picks for this week.   
          1. Marcy: A Round of Applause by @justnicole0001                       
          2. American Girl: Ohio by  @leasheryn
          3. Whispers of Yesterday: A Love Beyond Death by @eleanornightingale
          4. The Love Left Behind by  @klastella
          5. There is a tie between: The Captain and His Lady by  @authoreselias and The Wild Heart by  @annkreeves
          6. Also has a tie between: We Were Right About Magic by  @cyndagallagher
          and The Mirror on the Bathroom Wall by  @marichatchat
          7. After the Hour by @justlisa09
          Honorable mentions: My Fictional Realm by  @creativemind703
          Thank you  to all who submitted.   Be sure to check out and all support our writers listed above.  
          Next Week's Theme with the start of Summer is  -  Summer Lovin -  
          We will be looking for Summer themed stories about summer vacations,  summer flings, and summer fun.    To submit your story,  post below in the comments and state  ENTRY in your comment and then include your username and story link . 
          NOTE:   Do run a contest or club and would like to sponsor a week of the Top 7?  If interested, comment below and one of our team will reach out.  
          Thank you again to our amazing team, especially this week to Girl_that_Hopes for helping get this to finish line on time.     And to all our team we appreciate your time and energy in helping to highlight unique writers here on Wattpad - expobaguette  indig0jesse DanyellV ricardosalarich   GarryKe1    
          To all the writers featured for sharing your work, thank you for sharing and we are excited to see what's next.  Hope you have a great week everyone.   -  Jay   jmloveinlaodicea


"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life...Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. "
          - Steve Jobs said these word in 2005 at a graduation speech at Stanford as he was staring down cancer in his own life.     Life is a fickle and fragile thing as I have learned in my years and tried to share in my work, and as you all have equally  shared in response to it.    I will offline till tomorrow as today is day of celebration of beginnings and new horizons.    
          Thank you again for taking part and sharing in my story,  and may you also find that courage in living your own.   -  Jay


Thank you for following me! 
          Hopefully we can continue to support each other and become friends with Time.
           Feel free to reach out anytime for a chat.
           See you around!


@TheInkspired  you are welcome,  look forward to checking out your works.  I hope you enjoy The Book of Leah as well.


Chapter 22 is Up and I have finally decided on the Chapter Title -  Heart and Soul in homage to Tom Hanks and the late great Robert Loggia in the movie "Big"   I hope you enjoy the next chapter of Leah, Jake, and  Bonnie that  summer in 1992 .  
           To my many new followers, thank for your joining, and I hope you enjoy the story.  I look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments.  :)