
I am deleting/unpublishing all of my stories, and revamping my whole entire wattpad in order to publish my Poetry book, Cherry Wine! 
          	It is poetry written in the style of Rupi Kaur, and has 4 parts, which will be split into 2 books, both titled Cherry Wine. The first one will be The Horticulturist/The Avante Garde Artist and the Second Book will be School Days/ l'amour: to love. 
          	I'm very excited to start putting my poetry out there, and I hope you all enjoy Cherry Wine.


@kaitface_  avanwa. I just wanted to re-read it but found out. I'm so happy that you are publishing your book though!!! I know how much it must mean to you! Congratulations  Hope one day I can read Avanwa again though :)


@kaitface_ Well I am happy that you are going to try and publish your books. But I have to say that I really enjoyed your Avanwa book series and have loved reading them over and over again. I hope in the near future you will republish them. All I can say now is good luck and I hope things work out for you


I am deleting/unpublishing all of my stories, and revamping my whole entire wattpad in order to publish my Poetry book, Cherry Wine! 
          It is poetry written in the style of Rupi Kaur, and has 4 parts, which will be split into 2 books, both titled Cherry Wine. The first one will be The Horticulturist/The Avante Garde Artist and the Second Book will be School Days/ l'amour: to love. 
          I'm very excited to start putting my poetry out there, and I hope you all enjoy Cherry Wine.


@kaitface_  avanwa. I just wanted to re-read it but found out. I'm so happy that you are publishing your book though!!! I know how much it must mean to you! Congratulations  Hope one day I can read Avanwa again though :)


@kaitface_ Well I am happy that you are going to try and publish your books. But I have to say that I really enjoyed your Avanwa book series and have loved reading them over and over again. I hope in the near future you will republish them. All I can say now is good luck and I hope things work out for you


after a long time of having writers block I've finally been hit with inspiration to write. but it's not for any of my stories right now. and I hate myself for it. but I have been quite busy so I can't get onto a computer much anymore to update. it takes me an hour to do one chapter for a book so it's a time consuming process. all I can really say is to wait and maybe I'll get time soon. I think I have time Wednesday to post. I'll start with my Thranduil story and move on to my Sebastian Stan one then post the first chapter to my Fairy Tail fan fiction that I started today that I'll need help naming. But there's just an update. my life is just very hectic right now and I'm going through a lot of personal things and I'm trying to work those out. I really hate leaving you all on hold. I really do. but it's really for my own health and my own sake. I hope you understand. I'll hopefully see you on Wednesday. if you have any interest in helping me name my Fairy Tail fanfic message me! It'll be a Natsu X Lucy fic