
Amara and Jake are the cure for blue Mondays.
          	Happy Monday!
          	I just published "Meeting Mr Giggles " of my story "Unbreak My Heart".


I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how proud I am to call you one of my closest friends. 
          Your amazing personality, kind heart, and continuous support never fail to make my day brighter. I am incredibly grateful to have you in my life.
          You truly are a shining light in this world, and I am so lucky to have you by my side. 
          Your unwavering friendship always bring a smile to my face, and I can't thank you enough for all the joy you bring into my life.
          Keep being your wonderful, amazing self, and never forget how much you mean to me.
          Send this to as many people as you can and spread the positivity ❤️
          Created by @The__Tourtured__Poet


Hello guy! I'm sorry for the late update, but better late than never right? 
          I will no longer be updating on Tuesdays only, from now one the updates will be spontaneously. So be ready any day for an update! 
          The book is coming to an end, with only a few chapters left and somehow it's even harder to write those chapters. I know the direction I want these last chapters to take, but I also want them to be perfect (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
          Happy Monday! ❤️


@MaameEfuaQuainua32 and I love your profile picture (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤


Hey, wanna do a r4r?


@kxiii13 Hello! I would have loved for a r4r, but I'm currently so swamped with work and other reading commitments. 
            Maybe next month?


I used to avoid reading Historical Fiction at all costs if you asked me my reason for that, I wouldn't have any. I just didn't think I would enjoy it.
          That was until I came across @zeen2805 profile and gave one of her books a chance. Now I'm hooked and glad I came across her books.
          If you are looking for a new read, this might be just the book for you!


@kikipee Awwww this is so sweet of you kiki! I'm so glad you like my books enough to recommend them ❤️


Am I the only one losing followers? I don't understand why people follow only to unfollow after you've followed them back.
          Anyway, I'm behind on a few books that I have been reading. I will get right back to that in a few days.
          Happy Thursday! ❤️


@kikipee yeah, it sucks. But there is nothing we can do about it, unfortunately.