
Hi guys! I hope everyone is doing well!!
          	I know its been a while since I’ve last posted an update, but trust me, I’m on it and I haven’t forgotten about the book. 
          	I’ve received so many sweet messages asking for an update now, so I thought I’d reach out to you this way.
          	I also received some recommendations about the story plot which I really like so I’m thinking of adding some into the if you have an idea in mind feel free to reach out!! 
          	Other than that I just wanted to thank everybody who’s been so patient with me. 
          	Everything is a lot better right now and I really feel like finishing the book. I’m working on new updates right now, so hopefully I can update soon! 


Hi guys! I hope everyone is doing well!!
          I know its been a while since I’ve last posted an update, but trust me, I’m on it and I haven’t forgotten about the book. 
          I’ve received so many sweet messages asking for an update now, so I thought I’d reach out to you this way.
          I also received some recommendations about the story plot which I really like so I’m thinking of adding some into the if you have an idea in mind feel free to reach out!! 
          Other than that I just wanted to thank everybody who’s been so patient with me. 
          Everything is a lot better right now and I really feel like finishing the book. I’m working on new updates right now, so hopefully I can update soon!