
Almost done the next chapter of Killer Clown!!!!! It’s nice to finally get to do some actual writing of my own and get to develop Evilynn as a character more and more. Expect the next chapter in just a couple hours once I finish editing!!!


I’m really struggling with the scene where Inej gets stuck outside the Menagerie and how to best translate that the Evilynns backstory and personality but hopefully I’ll have it by Wednesday or Thursday cause I can’t post friday… (I’m going to a comic con!!) if u have any ideas plsssss help a girl out!!


finished both ur books in a day and now i love u


ur so sweet !! i love ur writing u seriously have kaz perfected <33


@-avangel aaaww thank u so much that means the world to me u have no idea!! If you have any ideas for Killer Clown do not hesitate<3


Im so sorry you guys for not posting, I’ve been insanely busy. Though I had every intention of posting tonight, I’m not sure the final draft will be ready before I fall asleep, so I promise it will be done tomorrow as soon as possible!!


@larrythebusdriver don’t worry about it! Take your time.