
Hello everyone I hope all of you are having a lovely day! I know I am for it is December 1st and I finished my first novel ever. The link is below and I'd love for you guys to read it and let me know what you think! And reviews or constructive criticism is very much appreciated!!


Thank you so much for voting for my Jefferson Lake One Shot, honestly it means more then you may ever know! P.S: I love your banner/background, it's so pretty :)


No problem! I loved it so much, you definitely captured the characters perfectly. And thank you! My friend designed it :)


I don't get why people don't understand that yes while I am just sitting down I can not move to get that pen myself (or turn off the lights, or grab that charger, etc...) because I have just gotten into the optimal writing position and moving would just ruin everything and I'd have to start all over to get comfy.