
if you haven’t heard about this yet, the amazon rainforest (LUNGS OF THE EARTH) and surrounding areas have been burning for WEEKS now, i’ve only seen minimum coverage on the news here in the netherlands - even though thousands upon thousands of animals and humans are suffering. and what the aftermath of this horror will be, i can’t even imagine.
          	petition for the amazon rainforest
          	and a place where you can donate some money to help 
          	if you can’t chip in and you’ve signed the petition, please share it & talk about it, it only takes a moment of your time. 
          	thank you @crimsyywrites for bringing this ( the links for the petition and the place to donate )  to my attention & for sharing this, i don’t have a huge following but every bit helps ( or at least that’s what i want to believe ). 


@latejune thankyou so much for sharing!!


if you haven’t heard about this yet, the amazon rainforest (LUNGS OF THE EARTH) and surrounding areas have been burning for WEEKS now, i’ve only seen minimum coverage on the news here in the netherlands - even though thousands upon thousands of animals and humans are suffering. and what the aftermath of this horror will be, i can’t even imagine.
          petition for the amazon rainforest
          and a place where you can donate some money to help 
          if you can’t chip in and you’ve signed the petition, please share it & talk about it, it only takes a moment of your time. 
          thank you @crimsyywrites for bringing this ( the links for the petition and the place to donate )  to my attention & for sharing this, i don’t have a huge following but every bit helps ( or at least that’s what i want to believe ). 


@latejune thankyou so much for sharing!!


always you, you, you, you.
          it’s still you.


whahhahsh thank you, i sometimes almost forget @Grey_jeans 


Have to admit I love the dedication to having this daily beautiful poetry in my notifications.


it’s been a while since i’ve posted and 
          was actually *proud* of something. 
          i’m going into my senior year in two days, i’m turning 17 in three and it was only a few months ago i’ve gotten my heart absolutely beat up by a person i cared deeply about. 
          i’ve learned so much already in 2019 and i wanted to share a small piece of my ( somewhat still existential ) thoughts on the platform that has always been there for me a my worst; giving a small piece the broken me but shouting that i’ve learned, healed, moved on and can finally be me in a way that i’ve found hard for a very long time. i think i used to care for a long time what people thought and felt about me, on here and irl, but i think that that part of me has finally matured to become something that wants to care for my own feelings instead of other people’s approval. ( not that i don’t want validation, praise and love from y’all and of course some good critique.  ) 
          i’ve said many times that i’ve changed, moved on, evolved or become something when in reality that were all just dreams i was impatiently pressing towards to. i’ll say now that i have become something that i am more proud of, but still am a piece that i work hard on to improve.
          i’m still here. still alive. still kicking. and still wanting to make a difference. be a voice and grow into someone that i would’ve looked up to when i was younger. 
          love is pain, i say and there’s a lot of sadness in my work, but the pain is worth it at the end. because if you push through and acknowledge the things around you, you’ll come out anew and better than before. pain makes you whatever you want to be molded into. 
          thank you for listening to this random ted talk. i just needed to let this out. 
          love you. 


@latejune thankyou so much <3 I apologize for my late reply, I've been busy at work! And yes, always remain hopeful. I'm so glad you were able to overcome that relationship, and your outlook is admirable ❤❤


            it’s amazing that you got out, became stronger and now have a healthy relationship! i’m so glad you’ve found someone now and you’re on a healthier path !! makes me really happy hearing that :)
            i hope that the future will have that for me in store as well. my issues were more of me not being able to give him a certain aspect of the relationship due to me being asexual and him wanting to rush into a relationship because he was convinced that he would be able to compromise for me. but ahh at least i’m over and past all of that. 
            i’m hopeful, and i know that the future will be amazing. 


@latejune that makes a lot of sense, as I've had the same experience with my ex. Our relationship was toxic, because he wanted something casual, whereas I wanted someone who was committed and serious. As well as someone who wasn't so materialistic and superficial. I suppressed myself in that relationship and it reinforced a lot of negative beliefs which I'm now unlearning in my new, much more serious and super healthy relationship. So while it caused pain, it helped shape who I am now <3 <3


there’s a certain 
          set of words
          a poet will reuse 
          (to describe things)
          in every single 
          poem in which 
          they try to convey 
          [their own] feelings in. 
          you kind of see 
          a certain pattern in it; 
          what they truly feel; 
          the kind of words they 
          like/the words they like 
          to describe [themselves] 
          with and with that you 
          see who they are as a 
          person. and i think that’s 
          kind of beautiful. 


@latejune this is very true, you put it beautifully


Kim!! I’ve missed you <3


@errormessage (just ignore that this is almost a week late answer lmao) 
            ooohh yess!! didn’t even think of that yet!! aaahhh nice! & i know that feeling :) 


@latejune Oooh you’re gonna be the dancing queen :D I’m good, finished exams last month so I’m back but so is my anxiety lmao. I keep getting compulsive urges to edit everything 


@errormessage uuuh, exhausted tbh. i just finished school and next year i'll be doing exams -which i'm not ready for- and i'm turning 17 soon and i'm not ready for that either. and honestly everythings a mess and i'm tired, but i feel like i'll get through it, hbu?


ive had a really bad few months tbh
          and i feel like really isolated from everyone and everything; 
          i really want to come back and stuff, back to creating and all that, because this used to be my outlet, my everything. 
          but at  the same time i know i've outgrown it lol, at least to some extent, so i'm torn. 
          but i'll see ...


@errormessage aaah,, at least i'm not alone in this...


oh gosh i feel the same way :( 