I'm an Indie Author who always wanted to write a book. My first attempt was an 80 page novel that never got finished when it was accidentally burned. Several years later, I wrote and finished How To Divide The World - The Secret Wars Of Angels.

As a child, I loved reading books in the science fiction
and fantasy genre. Also grew up reading novels where cats or dogs or other animals (The Jungle Book) are the main characters.

Also love watching anime, reading manga, playing Role Playing games on the PC, watching all sorts of movies, TV shows, documentaries. Also love playing the guitar, the drums, and the piano, and aim to learn to play all music instruments.

Aside from fiction, I also love to read self help and self improvement books by Brian Tracy and Robert Kiyosaki, among others, and am interested in Neurolinguistic Programming and Psychocybernetics.

I am influenced by authors like Piers Anthony, Robert Jordan,
Orson Scott Card. On the nonfiction side, authors like Zecharia Sitchin, Eric Von Daniken, Robert Morningsky, and Graham Hancock also influence my work.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/secret.wars.of.angels/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28682678-secret-war-of-angels
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1Jt5tcU
  • Philippines
  • Pripojený/áJuly 14, 2014


Story by J.D. Thomas
Secret Wars Of Angels od lee_vhoi_ol
Secret Wars Of Angels
In a world where humanity is caught in wars between powers beyond their understanding. A world where science...