
Hi, Im so sorry that ive been absent and inactive on the profile that I chose to create in order to raise awareness about the genocide in Palestine. The complete truth is that i was expecting it to garner more attention than it did, and attract people that genuinely wanted to learn and get educated about it and while I got a couple of messages expressing interest in taking part in the account, all in all, no one seemed interested 1. because people that are pro-isra*l will always be pro-genocide and use the excuse "bbbut october 7" and 2. because pro-Palestine people are always on top of every update and maybe not interested in a collective wp account and 3. because i noticed that people that ARE genuinely unaware of what's going on are seldom interested in finding out. And that was very discouraging, along with the fact that wattpad is slowly dying anyways and no one would get updates from here. So, I mostly geared my activism towards what I could do off the internet and I did and still do that. The reason I'm going into great lengths to explain myself is because I want there to be no doubt about how I felt and how I STILL feel about Palestine, my anger has not faded, neither has my absolute sorrow for all the INNOCENTS that have been killed mercilessly. I just thought that after 6 months of posting here with minimum interaction and loss of followers, I've shown everything I could possibly show to convince anyone that whats happening is A GENOCIDE. If there is ANY doubt on ANYONE'S mind after the most recent video that came out the other day, then I wholeheartedly fear the fate of humanity.


OR after every single video I have shared, a number that exceeds 1000.


Hi, Im so sorry that ive been absent and inactive on the profile that I chose to create in order to raise awareness about the genocide in Palestine. The complete truth is that i was expecting it to garner more attention than it did, and attract people that genuinely wanted to learn and get educated about it and while I got a couple of messages expressing interest in taking part in the account, all in all, no one seemed interested 1. because people that are pro-isra*l will always be pro-genocide and use the excuse "bbbut october 7" and 2. because pro-Palestine people are always on top of every update and maybe not interested in a collective wp account and 3. because i noticed that people that ARE genuinely unaware of what's going on are seldom interested in finding out. And that was very discouraging, along with the fact that wattpad is slowly dying anyways and no one would get updates from here. So, I mostly geared my activism towards what I could do off the internet and I did and still do that. The reason I'm going into great lengths to explain myself is because I want there to be no doubt about how I felt and how I STILL feel about Palestine, my anger has not faded, neither has my absolute sorrow for all the INNOCENTS that have been killed mercilessly. I just thought that after 6 months of posting here with minimum interaction and loss of followers, I've shown everything I could possibly show to convince anyone that whats happening is A GENOCIDE. If there is ANY doubt on ANYONE'S mind after the most recent video that came out the other day, then I wholeheartedly fear the fate of humanity.


OR after every single video I have shared, a number that exceeds 1000.


Hello everyone! So sorry for being gone, I'm mostly done with vet school so I just wanted to officially announce the launch of a pro Palestine Wattpad page called WritersForPalestine! I'm working on a Google doc with all the links I've shared, information about the history of the area and pretty much all context needed for someone to grasp the severity of the situation and hopefully it will be up in a few days! There's nothing much up on the profile at the moment but I'd love if you'd show the page support since it's for a good cause with good intent behind it. I'll also be looking for people to help run the page so if that's something you'd be interested in please feel free to contact me for more information!!


@lifebytheseashore Hi, I'm in for anything. If you need any help, I'll be glad to assist you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hi! I'm so sorry I haven't posted any links this past week -im working on something regarding the matter that I hope might bring together a pro-Palestine wattpad community that might raise awareness more efficiently and I've also been unbelievably busy with exams and assignments! Please bear with me! 


Today's links:







