
Once again going to dip my feet into that murky pond of the Wattys. This year I’m offering up the completed version of Time To Bear’s first draft and then Show In Tell as an ongoing. I haven’t started and technically posted SIT’s first chapters or the finished chapters of TTB but I’ve been doing a lot in the background. I want to redraft the first few chapters for some major changes before posting the first draft's final chapters. I’ll do weekly updates for SIT starting Sunday in accordance with the Wattys cadence requirement. At the moment that’s all I’ve got in the works. I’d like to start posting Nona’s story again as well but I’m going to fix it up a bit first and that will be my next project after TTB before its revision. Good luck to anyone else out there trying this year. I just need a little motivation


Once again going to dip my feet into that murky pond of the Wattys. This year I’m offering up the completed version of Time To Bear’s first draft and then Show In Tell as an ongoing. I haven’t started and technically posted SIT’s first chapters or the finished chapters of TTB but I’ve been doing a lot in the background. I want to redraft the first few chapters for some major changes before posting the first draft's final chapters. I’ll do weekly updates for SIT starting Sunday in accordance with the Wattys cadence requirement. At the moment that’s all I’ve got in the works. I’d like to start posting Nona’s story again as well but I’m going to fix it up a bit first and that will be my next project after TTB before its revision. Good luck to anyone else out there trying this year. I just need a little motivation


Will not be posting the rest of the first draft for TTB. Instead by the end of the month I will take it down and start the second draft preview. It's finished but there's so much I need to change I just can't post the rest without it being a huge mess.


I’m at a bit of a stand still with TTB. 
          I had a whole other plotline for this story originally. It was really rocky coming up with a plot that fit what I wanted to do with Alex because he’s a very dynamic character, he can go either way and it’s hard to pin him down. I’ve finally done it but I don’t think I’ve done it justice. I originally wanted to go into Alex's ptsd a bit more instead of the slight bit of anxiety he currently has. I trailed away from that due to my sheer laziness/fear. I think that’s exactly why I lost so much interest in this story over the year. That’s just not how I write my stories. I like drama and I like my characters to suffer a bit before their ending. I love Alex, he may be my favorite, of course I think I say that every time I write male characters, but he definitely holds a soft place in my heart. I’ve been doing research, like I used to (if you don’t know me this is like half my writing process; I love research, especially the psychological kind), and I’ve sparked that flame again. I’ll slide some details in that I can build off of toward the end for now. It’ll be messier but when aren’t my drafts a disaster… 
          This has definitely delayed my schedule but hopefully I can start edits soon.


Oh, how I love Alexander. Wish I could write and edit faster so I could read his story to completion already. It's been slow going lately and I have so many other stories I want to work on. Someone give me the motivation to write everyday, I'm impatiently dying here


Does anyone else think their character will do or act one way in a situation but then when you start writing it you think about how out of character it actually sounds for them and go in another direction, or is that just me?


@AndiJ37 Same really but then not even. I get random ideas and jot them down but sometimes they just don't get used. Ah well... I've been ok, going through some things. Mental blocks and health issues but all you can really do sometimes is trudge through it. I'm alive and in the company of loved ones, sometimes you can't ask for more. Thank you for asking, it's always appreciated no matter how long its been, I understand. I hope things are going alright for you as well.


@lookinprettyGrim all the time. But I'm a pantser, so no matter how much I plot, my stories never turn out the way I expect. I hope you're doing well. I know it's been a while.


When you want to write but don’t want to write… It’s a tough existence. Anyway, I finally finished the prologue to LTE’s prequel after changing the idea three times. I swear my brain hates me. I knew this would happen which is why I saved Michael’s story for last and also haven’t finished any final drafts. I’m pathetic. Maybe once I get these ideas lined out I can finally make a story I’m confident with… One day, one dream at a time people


I'm finally getting something done lately but then boom, I hit another road block. Finally got around to those name changes but Wattpad will not let me change the cover of the first book in my LTE series.... The others went fine so I'll look into it a little and wait. More updates to come.


Slowly crawling out of my hibernation, again. Writings hard. I admire you writers who do it so well and make it look easy. Everyone I tell myself I'll turn this hobby into something more I feel like I fall flat. I enjoy so little these days so I'm not trying too hard I suppose. I love writing and reading but there's only so much time in the day for me. For those of you with a similar passion and self doubt; no matter how hard it seems just do what makes you happy and of it gets hard slow down. Nothings worth making yourself miserable. 
          Anyway... another day, another rant gone by. Going to start posting rough(er) outlines of my stories and revising them later. I don't know anymore what I mention and what I don't. Doesn't matter, it's something of an update at least. I really just want to get LTE finished this year and there's only one way to do that. Just push it out. This year's been busy, doing a lot of winter cleaning, which i hate because its so cold everywhere. There's not been much time for actually thinking about writing my stories but still plenty of it at the same time. It's a terrible feeling. Here we go again. Fingers Crossed.