
          	Big news,✨I'm not dead✨
          	I am very sorry for the extremely slow updates! I'll try and update more from now on but no promises.
          	I hope y'all have a great day :D


Hey, I hope y'all are doing great. 
          I just wanted to share a very important message with you guy. Please check the Chapter named  "It Concerns Me" Of this book written by NatashaTasyaar. 
          It's a very important message that needs to be spread about how we need to be careful with what we say. 
          Words are sometimes the deadliest weapons.
          Please check it out! 
          Lost of love and stay safe❤


this message may be offensive
@NatashaTasyaar   you say that we're your light but honestly I think it's both ways. You're one of the best autors I've ever found because:
          1. You accept your errors
          2. You actually care about your readers
          3. Your writing is incredible 
          4. Even after all the shit that happened in your life (that you did not deserve and I'm sorry for that) you still keep fighting and writing
          5. You actually let us help you which is really rare and not much people actually ask for help in these situations
          6. You answer your reader in the comments (it always means so much to us when you do) 
          7. You accept that your not perfect
          8. You were crying over something you said to someone (as a mistake) which is a big sign of sympathy and empathy
          9. Your writing often makes mine and other's day
          Maybe you won't even read this and in aware of that because probably you will have plenty of these but I just wanted to write this just in case you would read it, you would know how I feel about you. 
          I love and admire you so much and seeing how bad you feel about what happened just shatters my heart but I'm glad you didn't keep it to yourself❤
          Stay strong and remember that if anything ever happens you can always count on us


@NatashaTasyaar Thanks, I'm so glad I could actually help you


You’re right... it’s no need... but it’s a must!! You have no idea how much it’s helping me 


Hey my fellow followers. I just wanted to announce that I'm working on a new story. It will be a Maze Runner fanfic but you don't have to have read the books or seen the movies to read it. I just finished the cover and I'm working on the description. 
          I hope all of you are doing great and thank you so much for following me.