
Hello to whoever is reading this.
          	My book ‘In between the good and bad’ has come to and end! Its been an absolute joy writing this. Sometimes painful too (yikes!) but I have grown great love for the characters. I started this very randomly after the thoughts popped into my head.
          	Epilogue will soon be out to share how things have transpired since the big changes… is it really the end Penelope and Harrison? 
          	I have mostly enjoyed your comments! Made my absolute day and made me laugh! Thank you all sooooooo much. 
          	See you soon for the next crazy ride hopefully 
          	Xoxo not gossip girl.


Hello to whoever is reading this.
          My book ‘In between the good and bad’ has come to and end! Its been an absolute joy writing this. Sometimes painful too (yikes!) but I have grown great love for the characters. I started this very randomly after the thoughts popped into my head.
          Epilogue will soon be out to share how things have transpired since the big changes… is it really the end Penelope and Harrison? 
          I have mostly enjoyed your comments! Made my absolute day and made me laugh! Thank you all sooooooo much. 
          See you soon for the next crazy ride hopefully 
          Xoxo not gossip girl.


I have started a new Miller book guys!!!! 
          Its called 'Me First' go check it out!
          Also there was some confusion about the language my story is written in. It is English. I am English haha. Sorry about that. However, I would like to thank you all for reading and voting! 


          I am editing Whipped Ordinary Hearts and chapter 1 is up! Are you curious of what happened after Tasha and Joshua got back together? Why Nora is still texting Josh? Is Nora becoming obsessed with him and is she ready to let go of a man with his heart already in another women's possession? Find out all in Chapter 1 of Whipped Ordinary Hearts now! xxxxxxx


I have just uploaded my new covers for all my books. These are the Miller series: Cherry Plum Lips (completed), Delicate Chocolate Eyes (completed), Whipped Ordinary Hearts (ongoing and in construction currently) and also my other book Not a Typical Girlfriend (on going). Please check them out and tell me what you think! Hope you like them and the new chapter of Not a Typical Girlfriend is going up in max and hour. Share share share!


Hi everyone I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading and voting for my books. Cherry Plum Lips was the book I enjoyed so much writing as well as Delicate Chocolate Eyes. Also, I am updating Not A Typical Girlfriend before Monday! Shxt is getting crazy. Find out now how Steph is dealing with the life changing news and will she be staying in the gang? After all she did swear Always & Forever.