
This lovely girl is translating my story Bullied in French! So if you are french or interested in reading this story in french - do it!!! 


Hey guys!! 
          For anyone who's already reading "Waking Up Alone": there was some trouble when I wanted to update the story. I finished writing chapter 2 and published it already - but the words were gone and it was just an empty draft again. This is so so annoying when you give all your free time and love and energy and can't find the chapter anymore so I contacted wattpad. They haven't answered one mail (I'm waiting since Tuesday). I don't know what to do now. Maybe I will wait some time but I'm not even sure if they can get the chapter back or I will decide to rewrite the chapter. 
          I hope you all are okay with that and thank you for your patience. 
          Love you x


Hey everybody!! 
          I'm so happy to say that I'm working on a new story called "Waking Up Alone". Of course it's about Harry and it would be cool if you check it out and tell me what you think. The prologue is already up and I will post the next part very soon. 
          Of course I will contuine working on my story "Bullied 3" and finish that book as well. 
          Sooooo I hope you all have a good day and don't forget to check out my story ;)
          Lots of love x


hope you all can close the chapter of 2015 with a smile on your face. 
          For me, it was a year full of up and downs. I've finished school with awesome grades and I passed my driving license. I also finally had the chance to see 1D on their tour in Vienna. 
          But I also lost some beloved persons. My two grandpas passed away and there were moments, where I didn't really understand the purpose of life. 
          This year made me stronger than any other ever did and I'm looking forward to an eventful new year 2016, with loads of new plans and stuff to do. 
          with those words, I wish you all the best. Thank you for being my follower and for reading my stories. 
          Loads of Love, Lucia x