
Okay quick question, I know most of you haven’t read Alone, but quick back story it’s a Paul Lahote love story but it starts out in the first twilight movie. Would it be better to have Paul imprint now or later in the third movie. I can’t make up my mind. 


I know people have been asking on repeat about when you was gonna update any of your books, but the only one I was wondering about is 'Same but different' I've read it about x7's already and I can't get over it, even tho it's got only 6 chapters, but it's still addicting lol, not rushing, I will wait however long you need to update, it's that good of a book. Just wondering if you was gonna continue or if it's on hold atm, don't rush to respond ^^ Have a good day :) 


Yes, tbh I kinda want to wait and see how that new Planet of the Ape Movie is going to be. All the books I have published are either mostly complete, or WIP. 