
i swear every time i make one of these community posts, it's because I've been away for a long time. my bad  buuuttt I've been working on a few new complete books, which should hopefully be coming sooonnn :D unfortunately i doubt i'll be going back to the oneshots book anytime soon. I've started taking writing a little more serious and limiting a creative world to just one page is very hindering and is putting a bit of a stunt in my mind. Don't we all love creative blocks? that's not to say i'll never indulge in it again, but it'll be very rare if at all. i apologise for my absence, and all the unfinished works i left behind.
          	But on a plus note, the one who has been doing the art for my books since i started writing, Bix, has opened commissions! they also have a twitter where maybe you'll find some sneak peaks? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) We were both very young when we first met, and i cannot thank them enough for all of the work they've done for me and being by my side in tough times. If you get the time, visit @Jus_B_05 on twitter/X! they've improved a crazy amount, and it's all so inspiring to see. I'm so proud of you buddy!
          	Once again, i'm sorry, but you can expect more from me soon!
          	- Magic Xx


i swear every time i make one of these community posts, it's because I've been away for a long time. my bad  buuuttt I've been working on a few new complete books, which should hopefully be coming sooonnn :D unfortunately i doubt i'll be going back to the oneshots book anytime soon. I've started taking writing a little more serious and limiting a creative world to just one page is very hindering and is putting a bit of a stunt in my mind. Don't we all love creative blocks? that's not to say i'll never indulge in it again, but it'll be very rare if at all. i apologise for my absence, and all the unfinished works i left behind.
          But on a plus note, the one who has been doing the art for my books since i started writing, Bix, has opened commissions! they also have a twitter where maybe you'll find some sneak peaks? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) We were both very young when we first met, and i cannot thank them enough for all of the work they've done for me and being by my side in tough times. If you get the time, visit @Jus_B_05 on twitter/X! they've improved a crazy amount, and it's all so inspiring to see. I'm so proud of you buddy!
          Once again, i'm sorry, but you can expect more from me soon!
          - Magic Xx


Heyyyyy  so ummmm
          Long time no seeee?
          I know i know, sorry ive been gine so long but a lot has happened and ive been super busy  first off i met the love of my life at college, then we dropped out if college and moved in together, frantic job hunting, now i have 3 part time jobs and am still earning so much less than minimum wage 
          But anyway, this isn't why im back, i actually have a bit of an anounsment that ive been working on for a while 
          I started a discord server! :D its mostly for communucating, sharing the stories we've written (not just here) and art. But therez also the weekly game/ movie night and also a book club :) theres also a vent chat if anyone feels they need to get something of their chest, we're here for you ♥️
          At the moment theres only me my gf and one if my friends in it, but dont be affraid to change that and come chat with us ^□^
          Lots of love, magic/Bix <3


waaaaa I've been gone so longggg! so so sorry!!! I've been absolutely swamped with college work  I'm not gonna lie, ill probably be kicked off the course I've missed so much. not even joking I've had 2 warnings  I'll try to get back into the Wattpad game but idk if I can  on another note, I've been binging z nation and omg, 10K??  kinda hot. if u don't know who i mean fukng google it! i- ahhhh my hearttt! he was totally made to be a 12 year old lady killer but idk I'm 17 and he's hot af. really, he's a 'i'm 14 and this is deep' but IDC  whoa ok he's not 14, that's just the vibes he gives off.. he's like 20... anyway, I'll try to come back i swear!


How often do you post, also do you know of any good yandere Connor stories??


@WitheredTrap i don't, that's the main reason i started writing mine tbh. i mean I'm not trying to drag other writers, they're just not to my taste rlly >~< I'm trying to post more again, I just started collage like a month ago so I'm super swamped and tired all the time  I'll try to start up again tho! (this is the first time I've logged on in like 2 months >~<)


you have 169 followers nice
          i dont wanna ruin it but i wanna follow you


awhh! ty, and np<333


@beepbeepbanannabus gwjhgejhvgvaksjghakjr ur too sweet!  that really means a lot to me, thank you! XXXXXXXXXX


np ill leave the number as it is for now but just know i love your work :D


So question what was your favorite story that you wrote? :D


@magic1mushrooms Well buttons is one of my favorite stories you made :>


@Art_Pogg hmmm my favorite? either the random one-shots or buttons. that was the first story I ever wrote here tho, so I may be a bit biased! XD


          Idk if u'll answer or not but, about the conner story; will the new book drop soon?
          The yandere conner au is so interesting!
          If that don't bother u :3


            I’ve decided to write it all first then post it so no one has to wait for updates. since I never finished the original I’m having to create the story line as a go along BUT it is almost finished :3


Hey this is just a heads up! I’m currently rearranging my room at the moment so I can’t get to my pc, which is how I do all my writing. I really struggle with writing on my phone bcs the keyboards so small >^< so to the requests I got on my oneshot book, I’m not ignoring you I’m just unable to type them up rn