
Assalamu Alaikum friends. I know I have been MIA but I promise I have a very valid reason behind it. In the midst of writing crappy love stories your girl found her own, one that was written by the Best of Planners, Subhanallah!
          	So many of you reached out in the last few months to check up on me to ensure I was okay. I’m so grateful. I’m happy and healthy just busy navigating the changes that comes with jumping from single to married life. My books have been cast aside for the moment as I’m preoccupied with my personal life. But I have every intention to return to my beloved characters. All I ask of you is to remain patient and keep me in your prayers.


@makeitmatter Allahumma Barikkk ❤️ may Allah shower His blessings upon as you enter this new chapter of life! so so happy for you *wipes dramatic mushu tears*


congratulations!! allahumma barik laha. may allah bless this chapter of your life with immense barakah! 


@makeitmatter walekum assalam Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu. Mashallah. Congratulations sister. Mubarak. 


Assalamu Alaikum friends. I know I have been MIA but I promise I have a very valid reason behind it. In the midst of writing crappy love stories your girl found her own, one that was written by the Best of Planners, Subhanallah!
          So many of you reached out in the last few months to check up on me to ensure I was okay. I’m so grateful. I’m happy and healthy just busy navigating the changes that comes with jumping from single to married life. My books have been cast aside for the moment as I’m preoccupied with my personal life. But I have every intention to return to my beloved characters. All I ask of you is to remain patient and keep me in your prayers.


@makeitmatter Allahumma Barikkk ❤️ may Allah shower His blessings upon as you enter this new chapter of life! so so happy for you *wipes dramatic mushu tears*


congratulations!! allahumma barik laha. may allah bless this chapter of your life with immense barakah! 


@makeitmatter walekum assalam Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu. Mashallah. Congratulations sister. Mubarak. 


Assalamu Alaikum, friends. I just published the third instalment of the Family Matters series (is anyone still interested??). I promise I have a solid excuse for the delay. I have some major events going on in my personal life and I just simply couldn’t make the time. I’ll let you girls know the details later, for the time being please accept my sincere apology. 


@makeitmatter I agree, you've heard right xP


@musafirmusings Ameen. it’s D&K’s book and you’ve already read it (but I have heard the book’s more fun when you reread it ).


Assalamu Alaikum sister.
          Where are you?
          Is everything alright? 


@edinaIbrahim You are most welcome.❤️


Walaikum assalam sis. I’m good, Alhamdulillah. Just got caught up in some personal stuff. Thank you for checking up on me <3


‎‏عيد مبارك 
          تَقَبَّلَ اللّهُ وَ مِنْكُمْ
          Eid Mubarak! ✨ May Allah preserve you and your family and accept your deeds. I hope you had a wonderful day today and by the will of Allah many more to come!


A super late Eid Mubarak. Ameen and I wish the same for you. Thank you for the sweet message, I’m sorry I couldn’t wish you on time ♥️


I know I am  not at the right place to ask this but do you know @Henuviya_Sheikh she unpublished her all books out of a sudden ig I am so shock when I recently opened her account if you don't mind can you tell me the reason ...


Hello, unfortunately I don’t know the reason. Why don’t you ask her though?