
Hi, thank you for following me back. I hope you have a lovely day.
          P.S.: Which book of yours would you recommend me to read first?


@butterfleoge Hi! It’s a pleasure considering I like the premise of your books. Hope you have a lovely day too! 
            P.S. I’m inclined to say Being Eve Summers considering it’s my latest book :) Also which book of yours would you recommend me to read first? Hehe


Thank you so much for adding Near Touch to your reading list! You have a really diverse palate ✨! 


@Gauravaaditya That means so much to me! I’ve kinda been unsure of the reception their story would receive so your words act as a reassurance. ☺️


@miamwrites it was totally my pleasure! I must return your compliments a thousandfold ✨☺️. I am in love with Siya and Atharva and their story has just begun


I also wanted to congratulate you on completing your novel! I spy some very well deserved features! 


Hey everyone!
          Hope you’re doing well. The next chapter of Being Eve Summers is now live! Do check it out cause things are getting crazy here.
          On another note, if you are looking for a book club for adults with great critiques for your WIP, do check out Jam Fest Book Club! 


Thank you so much everyone for pouring so much love on Intricacies of Love! Can’t believe it’s been three years since I completed it! Feels surreal to imagine that it has surpassed 100k reads. I’m sorry if I’ve not been able to thank each one of you but know that I see everytime you guys comment or vote or just read my first full length novel. It’s far from perfect yet the outpouring of love feels like a blessing to me. You guys are the best! Thanks for always supporting me. 
          I’ve been planning Being Eve Summers behind the scenes, tweaking up already published content and writing future updates. From today, I’ll be posting weekly updates every Friday at 7pm IST! I hope you would follow me along on this journey. If all goes well, I hope to submit it for the Wattys this year. I need all the support that you can give! If the story of a Half Indian-Half American girl finding her place and voice sounds like a story you’d like to read, do give it a read. There is obviously some brewing Romance between the main characters (winks). 
          I’ve just uploaded Chapter 10 of Being Eve Summers! If time permits, I hope to meet you there <3 
          I also have a lot of content planned for my Instagram account with reviews, book recs, behind the scenes and sneak peaks of my books so do consider checking it out! 
          Love y’all <3
          Hope you guys have a great day ahead! 