
Hi all! Loved SNAP: The World Unfolds?
          	Want to read more about Maxie and Jean-Louis?
          	The first four books of the Kandeskys are on sale through July 13 for $.99 for all four books in a boxed set. The set is available at Amazon, Kobo and iTunes. More Maxie, lots more Jean-Louis, even more of Stefan and Pen.  Happy reading!


@ micheledrier  Hii @micheledrier i'm Kholifah from Indonesian.


Hi all! Loved SNAP: The World Unfolds?
          Want to read more about Maxie and Jean-Louis?
          The first four books of the Kandeskys are on sale through July 13 for $.99 for all four books in a boxed set. The set is available at Amazon, Kobo and iTunes. More Maxie, lots more Jean-Louis, even more of Stefan and Pen.  Happy reading!


@ micheledrier  Hii @micheledrier i'm Kholifah from Indonesian.


Hi all,
          Book Nine of The Kandesky Vampire Chronicles, SNAP: I, Vampire is out! Got five stars on Paranormal Romance Guild! "I absolutely love this series, the characters and the romance are off the charts..." It's available at Amazon and Kobo.


SNAP was amazing! Thank you for your work. I would love to read all of the series, I just dont think ill be able to buy them. But thank you for putting this one on here. It was wonderful to read! Hopefully one day ill be able to buy the whole series! (:


Hi, Brooklyn, thank you so much for the comment!
            I've run into money problems and can't afford to reissue the series in paperback as I thought earlier, BUT they are all available in many ebook formats.  Books three and four, Plague: A Love Story and Danube: A Tale of Murder are the cheapest, but they also are the backstories of how Stefan, Pen and Jean-Louis became vampires and the Kandeskys. You can skip those and read them later and it won't affect the story of Maxie and Jean-Louis (and later, Jazz and Nik).
            I'd love to be able to put them all on Wattpad free but this is how I pay my mortgage, pay for utilities and buy food, LOL! 
            Keep an eye out on Amazon...from time to time I put one or another of the books on sale!
            And thanks again, it's so wonderful for an author to hear that her books have touched someone!


Hey, I love your book 'SNAP' and was wondering if you would make any more of the series available on Wattpad? It would be amazing if you did. (:


@HeavenlyDarkened  Hi, HeavenlyDarkened...thanks so much for the note! I wish I could put more up for free, but I'm trying to make a living from my writing. I've thought about putting the first two or three chapters of each book (there are eight so far) up on Wattpad, but don't want to upset anyone. In addition to Wattpad, I've given away about 75,000 books over the past three years with the hope that this would stimulate sales. It hasn't. 
            Right now (for about 3 more days) the boxed set of The Kandesky Vampire Chronicles (the first 4 books) is on sale for $2.99 at Amazon, Nook and Kobo. If you go onto my Amazon or Goodreads author page, you'll see all my books (I also write traditional mysteries). I'm working on #9 in The Kandesky6 Vampire Chronicles, SNAP: I, Vampire right now, shooting to finish in mid-December.
            Thanks again for loving SNAP! I'm crazy for Maxie and Jean-Louis...and there's a growing attraction for Jazz, as well!