
studying epistolary novels at university has given me an idea. watch this space!


Hey, on your book "the trap" you said it was in need of good spelling, well if I read the book I could go through it again and fix the spelling mistakes. I just need the account stuff. I won't wreck anything! Trust me! I've edited many of other Wattpad stories before.


now starting a new project, while simultaneously aiming to update my unfinished works (Big Bad Brad, Let's Stay Friends, Closer...) as a New Year's writing resolution and would like to participate in next year's Watty Awards so would love all the help/encouragement that I can get!! much love and God bless,


@emoshun haha thats a fair enough question 
            Wednesdays are a long day for me and i need to unleash my built up stress somehow
            biting is effective, what can i say?


hi, I saw that u quoted the bible and I liv tat cuz im Christian 2!! would u follow me and also read my buk The Secret Singer? thx!


@addictofchocolate that's great, i'm glad you love God too! I will follow you and do my best to read your book :)
             looking forward to it,