
its been a really long time since i've been on this site. since i've updated most of my stuff, ive graduated high school and moved to new york city. just a reminder again that if you want to keep up with me, the link to my tumblr is in my bio and im writing for tom holland actively. so if you want to keep up with me, find me on there. 
          	miss you all so much and hope to see you readers on my tumblr blog. ily.


@mixed-fanfictions !! even all the way from sydney, moving to nyc sounds huge. congratulations <3


its been a really long time since i've been on this site. since i've updated most of my stuff, ive graduated high school and moved to new york city. just a reminder again that if you want to keep up with me, the link to my tumblr is in my bio and im writing for tom holland actively. so if you want to keep up with me, find me on there. 
          miss you all so much and hope to see you readers on my tumblr blog. ily.


@mixed-fanfictions !! even all the way from sydney, moving to nyc sounds huge. congratulations <3


❤️Beautiful Person Award❤️
          Once you get this reward, you have to post it in the wall of eight people who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing happens but it’s nice to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out!
          If you’ve already received this award, I’m posting it again because I think you deserve it♡