
Hello all. Today I came to say goodbye. Over the years I have grown less and less interested in fan fiction. While its something I like to read I no longer fond an interest in writing it and so, after some debate I decided its time to make a new separate account that will have no fanfiction content. If you are interested in seeing my original works please go ahead and follow and link me your own original stories. 
          	Please know I won't be shutting down this account and if some day I'm inspired to write fan fiction I will return. But until then, farewell! 
          	New account name: Artemis_Knightmoon 


Hello all. Today I came to say goodbye. Over the years I have grown less and less interested in fan fiction. While its something I like to read I no longer fond an interest in writing it and so, after some debate I decided its time to make a new separate account that will have no fanfiction content. If you are interested in seeing my original works please go ahead and follow and link me your own original stories. 
          Please know I won't be shutting down this account and if some day I'm inspired to write fan fiction I will return. But until then, farewell! 

          New account name: Artemis_Knightmoon 


I'm ill and working on a NaLu story to release soonnn. 030 Been a long time since I did something fairy tail based!
          '  It is clear to see that once the girl had been beautiful. Those times were long gone though and now her beauty had been shattered by bruises, fresh cuts and scars which refused to fade. She was no longer a living doll with fair skin, plump rosy lips and sparkling eyes. Now she was… broken.'


I just posted the newest chapter of Supernatural. I know many of you follow me because of my fanfictions but, if you like, well, supernatural based stories could you please go and check out the story? I know it's not fanfiction but I'm really looking for feedback on it. Thank you guys. *gives everyone panda shaped cookies*


Story News:
          I've cleared up my works section and unpublish Armonia High and The Beauty and the Beast pokemon story as I know these two will never be finished.
          I apologize to anyone who was a fan of these stories but don't forget, The Legend of Kalos's Princess will be uploaded soon and a rewrite of a very very old story will be too. That story is Unexpected. I hope to publish it in July, on the third, as a birthday present that I'm giving you guys.
          The Legend Of Kalos's Princess will also be uploaded within the next month. I'm just finishing it off.  Please keep having patience with meeee.
          As for Supernatural, I am currently doing an edit of the next chapter and I Swear On It is the next one to be typed up.
          I've only done one anime one shot so far and I'm currently working on the second one. 030


I just want to do a giant shout out to the two guys who actually help me out so much with planning each of the stories. They hear my every idea, keep me motivated and help me notice the plot flaws in each story that I write. They have also both often picked me up when I’ve been ready to just give up on a story so thank you @hanekawa-san who is my best friend in real life. Also a big thank you to @JoesphKoen who pretty much acts like my manager. 
           The main reason for this big shout out to them is because I noticed how little I mention them and I believe its time they got a little credit too. They’ve both read every draft chapter of all my stories, listened to me whine about hand ache and how the story isn’t going how I wanted it to. Basically they’re a giant help in more words than I can say to you both. Thank you for being my friends, managers, editors, proof readers and critiques. ^^ Love ya both *huggles*


@JoesphKoen yay! huggles will rule the world one day jojo! XD meap~


@morbidchic98 *huggles*
            You are welcome :0
            Loveadove you too :3