
okay, so as many of you might already know: i’ve moved house and it’s been absolutely insane. however, the worst is over now and i might finally have my life back. 
          	i’m planning to get started on ch8 tmrw and def want to update by the end of next week. once that’s done things should be back to a semi-regular posting schedule. i will be away from the 14-28jan but i’m hoping to write ahead a bit. wish me luck 
          	TL;DR: Heatwave ch8 should be out sometime next week and regular posting will return 


@mornmeril thank you so much!


@b3tterthanwords I want to encourage you in your writing, this is some very descriptive and captivating work that you’ve started here. I hope that you can continue this as I’m sure not only myself but no doubt lots of others want to know where your writing leads. Best of luck 


@b3tterthanwords Oh God finally! THANK YOU AND HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A BLAST THERE :)


okay, so as many of you might already know: i’ve moved house and it’s been absolutely insane. however, the worst is over now and i might finally have my life back. 
          i’m planning to get started on ch8 tmrw and def want to update by the end of next week. once that’s done things should be back to a semi-regular posting schedule. i will be away from the 14-28jan but i’m hoping to write ahead a bit. wish me luck 
          TL;DR: Heatwave ch8 should be out sometime next week and regular posting will return 


@mornmeril thank you so much!


@b3tterthanwords I want to encourage you in your writing, this is some very descriptive and captivating work that you’ve started here. I hope that you can continue this as I’m sure not only myself but no doubt lots of others want to know where your writing leads. Best of luck 


@b3tterthanwords Oh God finally! THANK YOU AND HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A BLAST THERE :)