
It's been awhile. I've been busy on a new project which the first draft is completed. Undergoing a lot of editing. So I'm busy, so much so that I'm marking "Special Someones" as complete.
          	Admittedly,  "Special Someones" was a pretty messy first project. I experimented with so many different styles and ideas, most of which didn't pan out. But it was the first project i completed, so it has a special place in my heart.
          	As amateur writers, it's clear that we have plenty of space to improve our craft. Well, that's true for me anyway.


It's been awhile. I've been busy on a new project which the first draft is completed. Undergoing a lot of editing. So I'm busy, so much so that I'm marking "Special Someones" as complete.
          Admittedly,  "Special Someones" was a pretty messy first project. I experimented with so many different styles and ideas, most of which didn't pan out. But it was the first project i completed, so it has a special place in my heart.
          As amateur writers, it's clear that we have plenty of space to improve our craft. Well, that's true for me anyway.


In case you were wondering when "Special Someones" will be completed, well, the story is completed. But the editing (the writing prose is basically awful) is postponed in lieu of the next project. The next project is so much more promising, but so much more difficult. Along with real life obligations, I can't really spare the time to edit "Special Someones". :(
          When will the next project be posted? Unfortunately, it won't be posted on Wattpad. The next project is one that I can put my actual name to without fear of getting lynched haha. ...actually no, I might still get lynched. Eh.
          What is it? Well, I can't reveal that for anonymity reasons. But I can say it is about local politics (ugh). See why it's so difficult to write? "Special Someones" was character driven, so the characters practically wrote themselves. Political stories though, you can't only represent characters but instead represent the viewpoint of communities. Pretty challenging for someone with autism to write.


Tch, I guess I can be a real drama queen sometimes. After getting a bit of encouragement, I've decided to keep "Special Someones" on Wattpad for the time being. After all, it's still getting read by the book club. Even though "Special Someones" isn't yet at a publishable quality, that really doesn't matter. I can just leave it as is for now and start work on the other project.
          Sorry for the alarm, @Maeveshawler !


@MaeveShawler I do think so. I think I was also alarmed as there is quite a big ongoing conversation on the forums about how it may be more difficult to get published if you posted your work  on Wattpad (no matter how different the final product may be).
            There isn't exactly a clear consensus, but it's enough to make me worry! Take a look if you're interested in the topic yourself.


@mrbunnyban No worries! Seems like a reasonable decision. Feedback is useful no matter what, right? :)


I'm considering taking "Special Someones" off Wattpad soon. Let me explain why.
          Firstly, it's really not being read much. I don't think it ever will be here. So I'm mostly using Wattpad as a place for feedback in book clubs. That's worked out pretty well so far (thanks @Maeveshawler !) But I realised that if I wanted feedback like that, well, I should join a local book club. 
          Posting a rough draft on Wattpad has issues. I've been looking at Special Someones with a critical eye lately. I love this project, as most authors do with their own works. But let's be frank, it's super unpolished. Amateur. Needs a lot of work. Publishers seem to care if a Wattpad novel simply gets ignored - it's an indication it sucks. Which is probably true in its current state. So if I want Special Someones to succeed at all, just leaving it as is on Wattpad is not a good idea.
          Trouble is, I won't have that time because I want to spend it on another project. This is an older project which has higher relevance (locally), higher impact. I won't be able to give Special Someones the polish it deserves any time soon. 
          Maybe I'll come back to Special Someones one day, if this other project gets of the ground. The hope is that, one day, if I get enough recognition through the other project, editors will want new works. And then Special Someones would have a chance to shine.
          Well, I can but hope.


Please don't take it down. I like that book!


@MaeveShawler Thanks Maeve. I'm still thinking about it. I guess I'll wait a bit longer and see how I feel about it. Maybe I'm just moping about lack of readers, and all I needed was a vote of confidence. Thanks again.


@lesserknown1 Thank you again for the kind words. I'm entirely uncertain how it can be selfish to want others to read work that isn't yours though. :) Maybe I just need to move on to another project to get a bit more drive. So many edits was quite draining.


Right, some sort of "paying it forward" thingy going on in Wattpad. Apparently the idea is to tag three folks whose works you are reading.
          So I'm reading:
          1. Lead Me Astray by @lesserknown1
          2.  Son of No City by @MaeveShawler
          3. Accidentally Bound by @sakuryox
          Hope you folks enjoy these works!


Hi fellow Malaysian XD


@karinberry Curses! I've been found out :p


@mrbunnyban Just with you using the word 'Ang Moh' proves that you're Malaysian haha


@karinberry Also, how were you so sure I wasn't just an Ang Moh writing about Malaysians? :p