
I can't explain how sorry I am for not updating for almost three months and I am so grateful for how patient and kind you are all being about it. Hopefully, the next chapter will be up by next week at the latest. I am three quarters of the way through it so it shouldn't take me long to get it finished and out to you all. Thank you so much for sticking with me, I appreciate it greatly!
          	-Megan x


          Hi! I checked your Twitter account and I remember when they said your username in ComicCon as it says in your description- so I feel like I'm talking to some kind of celebrity- and by the way, Hutch is no longer 22, he turned 23 in 12-oct-2015 :-D


Aww haha that's crazy Oh yeah I totally forgot it even said that in my bio


I can't explain how sorry I am for not updating for almost three months and I am so grateful for how patient and kind you are all being about it. Hopefully, the next chapter will be up by next week at the latest. I am three quarters of the way through it so it shouldn't take me long to get it finished and out to you all. Thank you so much for sticking with me, I appreciate it greatly!
          -Megan x