
Working on a rewrite of One Month and a few comic strips. Hopefully a few pieces out by the end of January?? Here’s to motivation


This is the author. I got locked out of this account shortly after I switched jobs then honestly forgot about it. I've been getting on medication for mental illnesses and haven't had much motivation to do anything whether I could access it or not. Anyways, I'm hoping to be able to get in soon and continue something or another. Good luck to me. Love you guys <3


Everything's on pause at the moment. I work 10-10½ hour shifts every day from Monday-Friday, and the weekends are spent trying to catch up with what I haven't gotten to do throughout the week. It'll calm down once I start college and updates will come then. :)


"Coming To Terms" is going on hiatus until further notice (sorry my friends, I feel so bad). The story will be continued, eventually or lovely, but I'm heading up to the Army Recruiters this week and I want to get at least one page of the comic done at some point. I've scrapped all previous drawings for it, so I'm starting at square one. I can't wait to continue when I have more time, but I hope y'all understand! 


@mysteriousmentality ill be patiently waiting until then!


congrats on 10k views for ‘One Month’!!


Yeah ofc! wait, lemme reword it more dramatically
            CONGRATS ON 10K!! :DD


@mantraay OMG IT REACHED 10K!? Thank you for the congrats, my friend


Sorry I've been afk. I was in a rut mentally and just couldn't do anything that required my attention for more than five minutes. I'm trying to finish up an art commission and only have a few emotes left. Then the stories can resume and comic work can begin.
          I'm also now responsible for a 4-5 month old pup and a 6-8 week old pup. Along with a 2 year old Chihuahua. Just know that something happened with these turds (I love them dearly) if I am inactive after uploads begin again.


Ooo yay! I'm sure it'll be wonderful, and I haven't found any with the same concept either. I've even shared my story in some trans Peter tiktok comments hoping someone would read it and write their own  for now, however, I'm going to revel in the feeling of being the only one lmao


I even went and found good reference images, I don’t often do full body art, but it’s for ballet peter! 


hey, glad to see you again, I read up on your previous messages and it may not be my place to say, but keep your pups with all you got because they sound adorable from the few messages I’ve seen of them. also, it’s great to take a break on things for awhile and come back to it later, hope your doing better.
            I may have mentioned this before, but you’ve inspired me from the work that you’ve done and published, I think I might just draw out a semi-realism piece on ballet Peter (sadly haven’t found any other stories with the concept, so that’s said, your story is one of my favorites)