
@val3_164 Wow, this was amazing to read. GQ as it is on Wattpad is such a mess so I can't thank you enough for seeing past all the rubbish and taking it to mean something to you. You're amazing, thank you


hi. I think maybe (definitely) forever ago I read Guiding Quinn and probably (absolutely) died by the end of it. I don't think I've ever read a story that's inspired me more. 
          In seriousness, this story really did inspire me. It's been years since I've read it and I can't tell you what it means to me. I read a lot and I have the memory of a gold fish (too much going on up there), so the story must have been powerful to stick with e so clearly for so long. I can't tell you the number of times I've recommended it to people over the years. I like to think it's absolute gold. 
          I've drifted away from wattpad and just recently floated back and I've come seeking out Guiding Quinn. I'll admit: my heart broke when I saw it wasn't here. There's definitely reasons you took it down and I don't mind that, and you've got to know by now how much that story will be missed, but I think I really needed to hop in here and let you know how much I appreciate it. 
          I think maybe the last time I talked to you was in 2013? On my board, about this very story. I figured it was only appropriate to let you know I still think about it and I still get all happy thinking about how you commented to me. 
          So yes, swinging in and telling you I appreciate you and all of your words. I hope your life is something magical for at least forever. I can't wait to see what you have in store for the future. Thank you for ever giving me that magic of GQ. 
          I'm reaching my word limit, I'm sorry. Oops. Yikes. I'll stop now
          thanks again


its been 2? 3? years since i've read guiding quinn. over time i remember bits and pieces of your work but the last sentence in your book always seemed to have stuck with me. i came back this year feeling curious to see what wattpad has to offer after years of not logging in. i was devastated to find my favourite book gone. nevertheless, i'm thankful that i got a chance to read it. we shared a few conversations back when you really wanted to delete it. i do genuinely hope you're doing well now, although you may not even read this. you and your talent in writing is undeniably exquisite, and i wish you the best in your future. x


I loved Guiding Quinn so much. It was so beautifully written and so well built i just couldn't bring myself to stop reading it. Im not a cryer but this book made me cry so damn much. My favorite part was when you described the why behind Quinn's scars; it was so utterly beautiful and sad all at the same time. I've never fallen that much in love with a character and i suffered what happened to him as if he was a real person and as if he was something i held dear (which i did). I think it's safe to say that this is my favorite book so far. Thank you for creating such an amazing story. Keep writing because you're amazing at it. I haven't read your other stories but i will and i hope i'll love them just as much as i loved this one. 


@AFatalMisconception Thank you so much. I can't even begin to describe how amazing it is to receive a comment like this years after I've even touched the story. You're amazing. Thank you for looking past the crappy writing and acknowledging the message. Just thank you thank you thank you!!! 


@nameinuse You don't need to thank me. Guiding Quinn really was amazing and there was no crappy writing involved anywhere.


Guiding Quinn was just beautiful.It made me feel happy and then it ripped me apart,piece by piece. Reading as they destroyed themselves destroyed me, but in the best of ways. Neither of them was perfect in any sense of the word, but perfection is just a myth. They were imperfect. And they loved. God, you had me crying at the end of it. Guiding Quinn was the kind of book I love reading, the kind of book that had me contemplating everything, the kind of book that made me want to scream, want to cry and, most importantly, made me fall in love.
          So, thank you for giving me Guiding Quinn.


Guiding Quinn is perfect. I've read só many books on wattpad, but this one was special and it will always stay one of my favorites. How does this not have over 1M reads??! It needs to get published so that more people can experience every emotion possible while reading this book. You should only feel proud about Guiding Quinn, even though the ending killed me..But that's how it needs to be sometimes; not all books can be rainbows and butterflies. But I think that's what makes you such a great writer. It wasn't cliché or expected which makes a story go from a 0 to a 100. Thank you so much for giving us a chance to read this amazing book over and over again,  because that's exactly what I'm doing.❤


@CupOfCreativity Definitely!!! Readers are missing out. 


@CupOfCreativity  I totally agree with you ! You said everything I wanted to say :) Shes such an amazing author :)