
Hey everyone. Thanks for all your messages and comments. I will be putting book 5 back up at some point, hopefully in the near future. I’ve been going through some stuff recently so writing has taken a backseat, but I definitely intend to continue the story soon. Keep an eye out soon for a little snippet from Banjo’s POV 


@nicolleshield I didn't know there was a book 5 until it was already taken down. I can't wait till its back up and finished to read it.
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Hey everyone. Thanks for all your messages and comments. I will be putting book 5 back up at some point, hopefully in the near future. I’ve been going through some stuff recently so writing has taken a backseat, but I definitely intend to continue the story soon. Keep an eye out soon for a little snippet from Banjo’s POV 


@nicolleshield I didn't know there was a book 5 until it was already taken down. I can't wait till its back up and finished to read it.
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