
hi! guess who's back with a new update!
          	chapter 4 of isok is out, and along with that, i also went back and edited the previous chapters. the whole onc rush resulted in me unnecessarily inflating the word count, so i did lots (and i mean lots!) of trimming - 768 words, to be precise xD don't worry, if you've read anything so far, there's no need to go back and reread anything. plot-wise everything's the same, the writing itself is just trimmed and slightly polished.
          	as for the subsequent updates, i'll update once a week until i finish the first draft. i hope that will be very soon, but... no guarantees. for now, i'll just stick to something i'm confident i can deliver.
          	and once again, huge thanks to everyone who's checked it out so far! seeing all these new people discover it and give it some love really warms my heart, much more than i can properly describe. on top of that, i just noticed that it reached 100 reads today, so i will now proceed to be a puddle of happy tears ;-;
          	see you soon! <3
          	chapter link:


hi! guess who's back with a new update!
          chapter 4 of isok is out, and along with that, i also went back and edited the previous chapters. the whole onc rush resulted in me unnecessarily inflating the word count, so i did lots (and i mean lots!) of trimming - 768 words, to be precise xD don't worry, if you've read anything so far, there's no need to go back and reread anything. plot-wise everything's the same, the writing itself is just trimmed and slightly polished.
          as for the subsequent updates, i'll update once a week until i finish the first draft. i hope that will be very soon, but... no guarantees. for now, i'll just stick to something i'm confident i can deliver.
          and once again, huge thanks to everyone who's checked it out so far! seeing all these new people discover it and give it some love really warms my heart, much more than i can properly describe. on top of that, i just noticed that it reached 100 reads today, so i will now proceed to be a puddle of happy tears ;-;
          see you soon! <3
          chapter link:


          i removed lots of books from my profile. and no, it's not because of the recent changes in wattpad's content guidelines. when it comes to those, all my books are as safe as they previously were. it's simply due to their readership, or rather a lack thereof. 
          i've tried to ignore it and just share my works with people, but even though i'm not someone who writes exclusively for views, it still hurts to see some of my books collecting dust and going on for months without anyone setting an eye on them, and people not caring at all whether i update anything or not no matter how hard i try to put them out there, especially when i poured my heart and soul into some of these works. it's something i've been—mostly silently—battling since last year, but especially in the past 2 months, and it's sapped all my motivation to write, as well as taken a huge toll on my mental health and confidence not only in my writing, but also myself as a person.
          that's why i decided to take a step back. if you forget and in search of kasena are the only ones left for the time being. depending on how things go, i may repost some things in june, but we'll see. in the meantime, i plan to finish isok, but i'm not yet sure how the updates for that one are gonna work because it needs some editing. i'll figure it out by the end of the week.
          as for my other works, they'll only be available in my discord server for the time being, and i might even post more chapters there as i write them. same goes for poetry, which i'll also post on my instagram profile in addition to discord. also, with wattpad removing the dm feature soon, these are the perfect places to reach me.
          carrd with all my socials:
          that's all for now. honestly, i'm just tired. i don't want this to be the end of my wattpad journey, but... i don't know. we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. or burn it. who knows.
          thank you for your time.
          - nina


@ninaisawip damn. hugs :( those are a lot of rough feelings, i hope things ease up for you a little bit </3


okay, i think that's enough of reading lists for today. at this point, i confused even myself XD i apologize to everyone that i totally drowned in reading list adds. as you can see (now that i started adding some books, at least), i have a *lot* of rls... and that's only a half of them... so yeah, i'm afraid i'm not done spamming people yet. sorry i guess?? XD


hey everyone! 
          1. icymi, in search of kasena got some new updates recently! it's a grand total of three (3) chapters, so at this point, i'm just gonna yeet the whole book at you. pls go read it or i will wilt like a dramatic house plant

          2. let's pretend it's early february for a second, because i'm finally making an onc reading list. technically... i've had the reading list ready for a while, but i just... didn't put any books into it once february finally came around... (applause pls) i already have lots of oncs on my radar, so feel free to check out my list (i'll start adding books in a bit), and if you don't see your book, or someone else's book that you really liked, just drop the links in the replies! <3 and yes, this applies even if you haven't passed round 1, didn't make the deadline for round 2, or simply decided not to go forward with onc for whatever reason. as long as it was started for onc, i'll throw it in! ^.^
          3. aside from the onc reading list, i will slowly start updating some other reading lists i have as well. i'm not sure how much time i'll have left tonight after the onc one, but i'll be doing a rehaul over the next week or two, so this is more of a general heads up in case you start seeing random reading list notifications from me soon xD


what's that? it's a thursday, but cosmic love is the one getting an update? no, your eyes are not deceiving you, because that is indeed a new poem in cosmic love! i wrote this one a couple of weeks ago, and honestly, i was so excited to share it with the world, buuut between visiting my parents, babysitting kittens, being pretty malnourished for over a week, and nearly ending up in a hospital... i can't say i had that much time for any online stuff to be honest xD
          but now that i'm slowly getting the gears turning again, i flipped the schedule around and posted "waiting on love" today! i mean, what is an updating schedule anyways? >.>
          "it's been so long since i started settling for synthetic sugar
          that the taste of real honey feels odd in my mouth now."

          and guess what, i also posted it on instagram! i've been trying to revive my socials this month, and some people thought it would be a good idea for me to post my poetry too, so i'm finally giving it a try. you can go check it out there as well (and maybe follow me too because uhhhh i'm cool and i'll share any writing memes that i find):

          p.s. expect a kasena update tomorrow, because yes, the onc deadline is fast approaching, and i am not giving up yet xD if we're lucky (big if), it might even be a double update, but... you'll see why 


okay, i just realized i never posted this announcement... but yes, hi! i posted chapter 1 of "in search of kasena" two days ago, and with that, i (barely) submitted it to round 1 of onc.
          i'll be honest, i know most people will assume i was just procrastinating until the last moment, but that was not the case here. recently i've hit a very low low with self esteem in regards to my books, and i debated on taking them down because i felt like it wasn't worth it to keep going like this and share my books with people anymore. shortly before that i hit a very rough patch in draft 2 of foo, so coupled with that, i'm sure some of you will understand just how demotivating it can be to realize that at the end of the day, you're the only one who cares about your books :') that's why i was heavily debating on what to do with my oncs, because they were in the earliest stages of posting, and would be the easiest to remove from my profile. i ended up having a last-minute change of mind, so i updated isok and submitted it to onc in the end, but... i don't know, i'm not excluding any options yet. (and if any of the onc ambs happen to see this, hi i'm so so sorry for being That PersonTM again, i promise i won't be this indecisive if i somehow pass to round 2 ._.')
          as for "secrets of the erogh", while i haven't submitted it to onc, i'll still keep it at my unofficial onc project and try to write along with the deadlines. given how the scope of the story just kept growing the more i outlined, it would 99% end up being a novel anyways, so i decided to leave it to simmer on the stove for a few more days, and i decided to add some last-minute changes to the beginning, so it might take a few more days than i expected to finish the first chapter. these two, along with "flames of olnedia", are among my favorite books, both story-wise and character-wise, so first and foremost, i want to make sure i do them all justice <3
          thank you for reading, and see you soon ^.^


aaand guess who's back with a new update! it's a bit later than the usual time (not to mention a few weeks overdue), but the new update of flames of olnedia is here - and it's a double one! 

          since i've been mostly ia this month, i'll take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy onc season! you didn't think i'd miss out on the fun, did you? ;) i just decided to post my oncs a bit later into the month, so they'll be here soon because i'm still buried over my head with book work (i'm going back to outlining trenches right after this announcement) and other life stuff. i'll also make an onc reading list soon because i'm long overdue on that as well, but my first order of business was replying to all the foo comments before i switch out the edited parts of the first 3 chapters so i wouldn't have to chase all the inlines around the comment section (gotta love it when wattpad just randomly detaches them all lol), and now that's done \^o^/
          also, i have a new pfp (furina my beloved)!! i've also tweaked my bio a bit because i've been meaning to do that for weeks... mainly because i needed to change my age. yes, i've actually been 21 for a few weeks already. and yes, i only changed that part now >.>
          see you next saturday~


well, well, well, look who updates again (it's me). and today i'm here with a new update of the book you'd probably least expect - call of the weaver! that's right, cotw lives!! i decided to start chipping away at the cozy backlog i currently have, so it will update once a week on wednesdays! 

          and since my notifications have been broken for the past couple of weeks, just wanted to send out a collective huuuge thanks to everyone who's checked out my books and left some comments on them this month, especially on/around my birthday. i have yet to catch up with all the awesome comments i was drowned in, but i've seen *some* of them (wattpad pls fix the notifs) and i really appreciate them <3
          that's it for now, see you soon ^.^


hey guys! i've been sick over the past week and just not feeling alright both physically and mentally, so i kinda fell off the grid and put updating aside for a few days. but don't worry, i definitely plan on making up for it! as for flames of olnedia, i planned to update it earlier today, but i'll start working on its second draft soon (like, in-a-few-hours-soon), and i'll slowly start replacing the old chapters with new, slightly different ones, so i didn't want to post the chapters that will be replaced after a day anyways xD i *will* update it, just later than usual, so it probably won't be saturday for the most of you, but hey, we all knew this would've happened eventually >.> and since i missed last week's update as well, i'll post a double one this time! as for poison of vengeance (which was supposed to update yesterday), don't worry, i'll make up for it soon too :D
          also, take this as an obligatory "omg my birthday is in 4 days" message (✿◠‿◠)


@ninaisawip Sorry you haven't been feeling well. I wish you health and happiness in 2024!


happy new year everyone (just realized i haven't officially said it here)!!! 
          here's the first update of the year, the long-promised chapter 1 of lavender street! as i mentioned before, lavender street and poison of vengeance will alternate updating on fridays, so unfortunately, there won't be a new update next week, but i'll post chapter 1 of poison of vengeance instead! chapter 2 of lavender street will be here on the 19th, and i'll see you tomorrow with a new update of flames of olnedia!