
this message may be offensive
I have a little bit of a crisis and I need your help. Would I be the asshole if I were to delete some of my stories?
          Starting this announcement like a Reddit post at AITA, but the question still stands. I haven't been regularly updating any of my works and I completely lost touch with some of them. I have done this decision some time ago already and have deleted some really old and silly stories but I keep on coming back to the same question about the ones that I seemed to have outgrown.
          I'm not a fan of some anymore, I'm not part of the fandoms anymore and I can't look at the incomplete stories on my account. I know some still read them but it's as annoying for you readers to see an unfinished story as it is for me to keep it on like a false hope story. I can't do that anymore.
          I'm not a fan of S&B anymore and I'm considering removing my Nikolai story, I'm well over Ben Barnes and his story would go as well, The Captain America story too. I'd keep all the finished ones, it's just the 'lost ones' that bother me. It's why I already archived The Act of Travesty.
          I know they are still a part of me, or they were once at least. And maybe I should keep them because fuck it, I liked them once, I'm not acting as if I hadn't poured my heart into them. But it still hurts to look at something unfinished. I also know I'm going back to Uni in the fall and I won't ever come back to these stories.
          I think I'm reliving my crisis with The Line, where the end decision was to remove the story. At the end of the day, I write these things for myself, not for any of you and I never base my writing decisions on readers' comments.
          I guess this is just some pre-warning that some changes might be happening to this account soon. Some stories may be lost. They lived their lives in my head and in your hearts for quite some time. 
          I hope you're not mad. And I'll greatly appreciate any of your thoughts on this.


I think you deserve to be proud of your art, and if your work doesn’t satisfy you it’s fair to not want it public! (I’ve deleted several of old fanart off the internet as well)


@notoriousnika ntah trust me it's okay to feel like that


I had a popular fic in 2022 and recently deleted it because I fell out of love with it, it happens!!!!!


Hello everyone! Amazing @Abizxten took time to translate my longest ever story into spanish. So if you like to read in spanish more, you should definitely check out the translation and give them some love for taking on this challenge and their amazing writing. <3


Happy new year everyone!
          I am aware I was barely active for the past 6 or so months, but don't worry, I've been watching the whole time. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do on this profile, all my stories kind of hit a dead end, maybe I'll continue them, maybe not, I really don't know.
          But I definitely plan on staying here and writing at least something! I just need to get in touch with it again. 
          So, I guess I'll see you soon! Until then enjoy my incomplete stories.
          <3 <3 <3


Take as much time as you need 
            Also LOVE the Ben Barnes book


@notoriousnika yayyy! And if you ever update chocolate covered strawberries, I'm here babe!!