
Publishing continues to move forward! The third book in my epic fantasy series is out! Twisting the Turall Book 3 Gold really pushes on the central idea as the protagonist challenges her destiny and fights the will of the Gods. Check it out if you're looking for some magic and adventure!
          	I'm gonna try to get a compendium together once I finish cleaning up "Where Dragons Die" for the tenth time. I might line edit my lawyers for vampire book after that. I'm not sure. Lots of stuff coming soon.
          	What kind of books are you reading or looking for?


Hey there!
          Thank you for following me ❤️
           I just wanted to check in on you and make sure you're taking care of yourself.
          Did you remember to eat and drink something today?
           Have you been getting enough rest and sleep?
           Is there anything exciting happening in your life ?
           And how are your books coming along? 
          Whatever you're going through, never forget that my message board is always open for you to talk about anything at all. 
          Have a wonderful day! 


Likewise. It's nice to see some interest in my work.
            I take care of myself as much as I'm able to, which is never enough.
            I eat at least two meals a day and hydrate regularly. What's your favorite drink?
            My sleep schedule is a dice roll. I take what I get. Sometimes it's nice working before the sun rises and sometimes it just hurts.
            Exciting things? The third book in my epic fantasy series is out. I am finding some interesting reads. I really enjoyed reading StKolbe's work.
            They have remarkably flexible command of the language while still writing in a style I don't typically like. They have some romantic poetry and I'm hoping to get into that. I wanna take a HUGE dive into modern romantic poems when I have the time.
            Um, I am in the falling action of a secret WIP novel that's got me really excited! I'm gummed up going through line edits for my debut novel. Hopefully I'll get over that soon. I need to publish and promote more.
            Thanks for the kind words. I hope we can interact more soon. I really wanna find the time to delve into your work.


Hi thank you for the feedback on my poetry book. I wrote a new poem. I'd love you to check it out because I wrote it with your criticism in mind. It's specifically titled "Virgin Whore". Will you critique it and see if I took your past criticism to heart? ❤️


I'd be happy to. I might not always have the time, but I do now.


Publishing continues to move forward! The third book in my epic fantasy series is out! Twisting the Turall Book 3 Gold really pushes on the central idea as the protagonist challenges her destiny and fights the will of the Gods. Check it out if you're looking for some magic and adventure!

          I'm gonna try to get a compendium together once I finish cleaning up "Where Dragons Die" for the tenth time. I might line edit my lawyers for vampire book after that. I'm not sure. Lots of stuff coming soon.
          What kind of books are you reading or looking for?



@twylightdusk Sure, I'll take a look. Are you a friend or an alt?


I've been contemplating an exploration into surrealist poetry dealing with dark reflections. This would be a collection where everything follows an associative imagery that's deeply personal; something akin to Pink Floyd's The Wall. Put frankly, I don't think I have the ability to pull this off and worry that it's destined to be another failed attempt.
          I'd love to get some outside input on this idea. Do you think it's worth the effort even if I'm going to abandon it? Are you interested in seeing this kind of idea?


It seems difficult to do so but I think it would be worth the effort :)! Surrealist poetry sometime requires exploring unconventional ideas. Experimenting with your writing can help you step outside of your comfort zone, develope new perspectives and hone your skills. Plus, even if it ends up as a failure, you can go back and learn from them. Ultimately, it all depends on you, if you're invested in it,  go for it! This is what I personally think though.


It's been a while. I know. My epic fantasy story, Twisting the Turall, is out! I made a promo for it on my YouTube, come drop me a line there.

          It's also available up on Kindle Vella. You can start reading it now!

          I'm gonna slowly push for more online stuff and hopefully that'll mean time to review, read, etc. There's one thing that I know will happen and that's publishing more content here. I have an older story that's something I'm legit proud of, but I never got to finish it. I just kind of ran out of motivation. Anyway, I'm gonna try ransoming it. Stick around, a new story dropping tomorrow. (5/9/23)


There was a time where I shared everything that I wrote and I loved everything because I wrote it. That time is long behind me and I've almost completely lost touch with that feeling. I wish I had the courage and confidence to share everything that I wrote instead of being terrified that people will use my work to judge me, hate me, and ultimately persecute me. That is the thing that keeps me back. It is what destroys my love of the craft. Why do we spend so much time judging each other when we could've spent that time celebrating each other? What do we get out of this?
          Seriously? Is this really all about pushing ourselves up by comparison or is there something more to it? Writing feels like such an unvalidating pursuit. I feel no pride for anything I do. I have no clue if I am capable of writing anything of quality and I have been doing this for over twenty years! I can't help but feel like our desperate need to critique the craft is in part to give ourselves some small metric of success.
          And YET...Even though I feel this way and would love to just say all craft is subjective and therefore beyond critique, I do notice excellence. I notice when a piece has strong voice, great pacing, or vision of character. There are definitive moments in my life where I read something and think, "This is beautiful!" True that those moments are few and far between, but that's part of what true beauty is! Beauty is rare. It is a collection of convergeances and iteration that have made something chaotic and meaningless transcend it's design.
          What are the things we think of as being intrinsically beautiful? A sunset. Something that is created from water vapor, rotation, gravity, and the refraction of light. These are all physical concepts that shouldn't be creating things humans are still impressed with, and yet we are.
          Writing has the potential to bring that out us. It brings it out of myself, even as I'm writing it. I want an audience to share that feeling.


I've put a hold on Elantris as I may go through a more thorough reading with a friend.
          Last night I finished reading through Slaughterhouse Five. I'm unbelievably upset by the novel and I'm struggling to understand why. While there was some interesting social commentary and ponderous concepts, the majority of it was too haphazard to be emotionally compelling. I think my outrage comes from the fact that there are occasional moments of brilliant voicing and that the introduction was a unbelievably strong. Unfortunately, I don't think that the non-linear storytelling and extended metaphor did the novel any favors. Maybe if I read the book again in another decade my opinion will change. As it stands I much prefer Cat's Cradle to Slaughterhouse Five.
          I've been listening to A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab (Sometimes credited as Victoria Schwab) and I have to say that this might be a DNF. The narrative is almost non existent. Over eighty percent of the novel is exposition so far. It's explaining the quirks and traits of the character ad nauseum and what world building is there isn't gripping me. I was beginning to hope that a plot might materialize, when a secondary main character was introduced. They did something that felt so unbelievable that I was taken right out of the story. What few actions these characters have I'm struggling to buy. I may need to jump to another audiobook, but I'm not sure who. I'd like to finish a contemporary book, but so much of what's coming out isn't gripping me.
          Writing went well yesterday. I put out a solid two chapters for Shrouded City and I'm in a optimistic that I'll be able to finish the adaptation/novel.
          My mega project, Twisting The Turall has gone through a complete round of line edits. I some structural issues to tackle and I'm not sure how much I'm going to cut. If I choose to kill my darlings, the end result might be a little sparse. I'll come back to it in April


Four hours into Elantris. So far it's enjoyable, but the tone can be a little inconsistent. It's almost like some characters live in a different world than the rest.
          I also started trying to read Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. I still haven't read one through four, but no one seems to have it. I'm pretty sure they're written by Vonnegut Senior. Still, for the fifth in the series, the story starts off well enough. I appreciate the use of extended metaphor and the prose, but I'm still waiting for the plot or the characters to grab my imagination.
          I've gone through a line edit of a good 30k words today. I've reached the Hundred and Thirty-Eighth Chapter. I should probably stop for the day to make sure I don't burn out. Alpha reader is telling me that my work still has distracting typoes, but I think the real problem is word choice. IDK. Hopefully I'll figure this out before publishing because no one is going to edit this for me.


I've been struggling for some time now. I hit a critical point yesterday and I hope I'm past the worst of it.
          I recently finished The Rage of Dragons by Evan Winter. Good read. I'd heard some unfavorable reviews and avoided it. I thought that it was some expertly crafted Shounen/Seinen style story telling. Some of the emotional moments weren't landing for me but overall the story reveled in its power and didn't apologize for its genre. I'll definitely check out the rest of the series in the future.
          This morning I finished the first editing round for Twisting the Turall Book 9. I also finished reading Terrier by Tamora Pierce. I like Pierce's prose, and I think she has a good grasp on plotting. This was her first book that I've finished and I feel like I should've start with a different one as I felt the world building was missing some detail.
          I have five weeks to finish Shrouded City. I'm going to try getting back to updating this. We'll see.
          Today I start Elatris by Brandon Sanderson. I haven't heard anything great about this book, but it appears to be the best start to my reading if I'm ever going to get into the Cosmere.