
come over and watch me play outlast II and scream my lungs out. https://mixer.com/misterhyena


okay, so, uh.. i have no idea what to make (artwork—wise) and so if anyone sees this can you comment with a physical characteristic, item, and or a color? thank you! 
          logging off, ᴀᴄᴇ.


@robinbees oooooooooh ok I get it now!, and ok my stuff on the three categories you suggested me is I guess gonna be and I'm just gonna like go off on what my first thoughts on each stuff will be:
            A tall dude that has a normal build, trench coat and the color blue
            Hope this helps with ur somewhat art block! 


@32friendlybaby physical characteristic as in freckles, prosthetics, curvaceous, etcetera. so basically, yeah, it’s any sort of feature that can be on someone’s body, and it can be supernatural too, so you can also have me draw supernatural beings and or tell me to draw a elf, skeleton, so on so forth. does that make sense?


uh, if any of y’all see this send me four emojis and i’ll make a character out of it :0


Awesome XD I look forward to it, lol


@Ripple_in_water27 i’mma try and create that into a creator, it’s prolly just gonna be four characters i’m creating out of these emojis


so due to bad network and WiFi errors i won’t be able to reply for two weeks, i can’t see my notifications, my messages and i don’t think i can see replies to my announcements either. i will be really late, i can still reply but it has to be through someone’s activity so if you tag me in something i won’t be able to see it. 
          i hope y’all have a good day.


alrighty, so replies for today and a bit of tomorrow will be late due to the fact that I’m flying out to Asia and heading to Vietnam to visit family. I will post pictures on my social media (if I remember) so you guys can kinda feel the journey with me ^^
          I will be kinda late with everything, but I promise I will reply as soon as I land. I have to go to NY, NJ, HK and then I land in Vietnam. Apparently, it’s twenty four hours so let’s hope my ears don’t bleed o(>< )o 
          I’ll update my announcements later, talk to y’all then!


Bork bork 


@Krazy_Demonheart  i good, in pain, but okay :3


@Krazy_Demonheart bork bork bork >:0
            hullo friend—


uh, how’s everyone on this fine day? 


@JeffmadsLover i’d like to see you fly, but nah i want to fly first


@JeffmadsLover me too, i worked on too many story covers i think i’m about to yeet myself at a cliff