
happy new year it’s 2021 WHAT
          	also why tf are y’all still reading my books 


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@peach-tae because they’re so fucking cute


hi !! i’m not sure if you’re still active or not but i wanted to write to you anyways. i’m currently in tears whilst writing this, i don’t think i’ve ever felt this much emotion from a book, i’ve never cried this hard. i loved and hated this book so much at the same time. it’s such an a,axing book hence why i love it and the storyline is amazing, but i was really rooting for jungkook and ara hence why i hate it, but really it is an amazing book, you’re an amazing author and so so talented. the part where ara texted jungkook that she knew she was going to die BROKE me. but that just shows how good your writing skills are. i really really hope you continue writing because your books are absolutely amazing and they really touched my heart. i love your writing so much. this is one of my favourite books. thank you for writing this. it’s definitely not the typical fanfic but that’s what i love so much about it, it’s different. the plot was unexpected and so sad but also it was so good and fanfics don’t always have to have happy endings which i sometimes forget. anyways thank you for this book! i hope you’re doing well and staying safe during these times! i wish you all the best and i REALLy do hope you continue writing more. your work means a lot to me. have a good day ily !! <3


oh my god! this literally makes me want to cry. i wrote honestly and love defined so long ago and its so cringe now looking back at it, but seeing comments like yours makes everything worth it. thank you so much, you really made my day. i truly hope you are safe and well during these crazy ass times. all my love x 