
hi guys:-) 
          	planning on releasing a full fic soon.
          	will be a supernatural-esque au.
          	hunter! frank iero x vampire! oc


foams at mouth.. paul dano is so beautiful I love him so much I want him right now but what am I saying. he's in my bed rn we r cuddling There isn’t a word big enough to describe what you mean to me. When you smile, my whole world lights up, even when it’s cloudy. Our love is eternal like the stars in the skies and the oceans in our world.
          I LOVE YOU so much. You make me happier than I ever thought possible. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love you more than you will ever know. I will never stop loving you. My love for you grows stronger each day, and I promise to hold on ’til forever.
          I fell in love when our eyes first locked and still fall deeper every day. You carry my heart and my soul. There is nowhere else I’d rather be than in your arms, no one else I would rather spend time with. I miss you when we are apart. You are my world and everything in it.
          Every time I see your cute face, a million sparks rush through me. My heart becomes filled with so much love that I can’t even breathe. I see you in my every thought, in my every dream, just like the most precious rose. You are all I have ever wanted and more.
          I feel endless joy when I see your beautiful eyes, I can’t wait to let you know that I love you.
          Loving you makes me a fulfilled man, loving you gives me joy and happiness, and loving you is what I love to do, you are my best world.
          -me to paul


i got up and reached for one of the peaches, opened it half-way with my thumbs, pushed the pit out on my desk, and gently brought the fuzzy, blush-colored peach to my groin, and then began to press into it till the parted fruit slid down my cock. If Anchise only knew, if Anchise knew what i was doing to the fruit he cultivated with such slavish devotion every day, him and his large straw hat and his long, gnarled, calluses fingers that were always ripping out weeds from the parched earth.