
You never actually cared, did you? Figures, seeing as I’m such a big loser..


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@randompersonwrites I’m sorry for being such a horrible friend. I’m sorry I screwed up every single time I talked to you. I’m sorry I was never able to own up to my mistakes. And now that I’m doing that, you say I’M avoiding things? You’re avoiding my apologies… just say that you hate me and mute me. Say that I’m a horrible fucking friend and you’ll never be friends with me again. Say that I’m out of chances and I’ll never get to love anyone…


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Okay. Fine. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I fucked up. I always fuck up.


@KaitlynJ2021 okay look dude you were the the one who ran away after we tried to work with you, we are tired of you avoiding us and the problem, plus the passive agressive comments really aren't helpful. We gave you your chance. Good bye.
