
I don't want to lose my love for writing, but I have zero motivation. I have ideas but putting them on paper feels like such a difficult task now. Maybe I need to go out somewhere and write something. Stream of conscious. Descriptions. Scenery. Book reviews. Writing the alphabet. Something. Anything. 


@rdysasi you try having a free writing session, where you just write whatever comes to mind, and then go back to refine it.


@rdysasi Whenever you're ready, we'll be waiting with open arms and hearts. Take your time. We all understand the elaborate process that is writing, and if you need a break, we understand!


@rdysasi i'll be here if or u feel motivated again :D



I don't want to lose my love for writing, but I have zero motivation. I have ideas but putting them on paper feels like such a difficult task now. Maybe I need to go out somewhere and write something. Stream of conscious. Descriptions. Scenery. Book reviews. Writing the alphabet. Something. Anything. 


@rdysasi you try having a free writing session, where you just write whatever comes to mind, and then go back to refine it.


@rdysasi Whenever you're ready, we'll be waiting with open arms and hearts. Take your time. We all understand the elaborate process that is writing, and if you need a break, we understand!


@rdysasi i'll be here if or u feel motivated again :D


My article discussing "Believable Romance" is now posted on the official @Fanfic "How to Write Fanfiction" book! It's an honor to be able to spread some personal tips to help my fellow writers. Please check it out and let me know your thoughts! ❤


@rdysasi thanks for writing this! I don't write nearly as much anymore (especially because I suck), but it's great to have a book on tips from a great writer in case I get bored :) thanks!
            btw love your Paint You Wings. One of my favorites.


@The4DWorldandMe I'm so glad it could be of some help to you! It was such a pleasure to write the article ❤


@rdysasi I just read it; thanks for writing it, I found it very helpful!


Since I'm not longer in college, I can finally participate in NaNoWriMo. It's been a while since I've written anything, but I started last night and I came up with a new story idea. I'm debating whether or not to make it a BTS fanfic or not. We'll see lol it'll be an AU that's for sure. 


@xxgolgothajbhxx I completely understand. That's actually what happened to me as well. It takes a lot to get that inspiration back. 


@rdysasi lol i wish i could graduate now - i'm applying for college and writing inspiration has died because of school actually :( i do miss writing and wattpad a lot, but i am so busy


@xxgolgothajbhxx I'm great! Graduated, self-employed, and still trying to make this writer dream come true 


Wow, it's been so long since I've written a post on here. I'm still alive, everyone lol I am one class away from graduating college this summer and then I'm free to do all the adulting and writing as I please. I do have a story idea in mind at the moment (not for Take a Stand). It's based on a play that I wrote last spring for my playwriting class. It's going to be a young adult mystery/romance/slice of life kind of story. However, before I start writing it, I'm going to read some books so that I can get back in the groove of writing, but I really hope that I can post something soon because I really miss writing like I used to. And I miss all of you! 
          I'll keep you guys updated as best as I can! Thank you for all your continued support!


It's been a while, guys. I posted a prologue back in January and haven't written anything since then. College and working full time has taken a toll on me and my mental health. I'm working on getting better and trying to use writing as an outlet again, but it's harder than it seems. I really want to work on that story because I miss writing. I miss seeing your reactions. I'm making the effort to get stuff written and posted, but like I said, life has been hitting me hard. 
          I also wanted to thank you all for 2 million reads on Paint You Wings! You have no idea how much that means to me! I wrote that story about 2 years ago and to see that it's still loved by you all is the most gratifying thing ever. Thank you so much. I love you all!


@rdysasi i love you too ♡♡♡♡ i understand that school is rough and u need to focus on that. i miss you a lot and i love your writing but i know you should take the time u need to get yourself together to continue and make even better stories. i hope you get to settle down at some point :D ilysm (and cONGRATS ON 2M ON PYW I SCREAMED WHEN I SAW IT BC U DESERVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE READS ♡♡♡♡)