
IT'S LAUNCH DAY! Nadya Skylung and the Cloudship Rescue is out there in the world, sitting on bookstore shelves. Thank you again for being such a supportive community for so many years. You are part of the story of how I became a writer, and part of this success. Those of you who have copies, let me know what you think! I hope it touches your heart and sets your imagination on fire.


IT'S LAUNCH DAY! Nadya Skylung and the Cloudship Rescue is out there in the world, sitting on bookstore shelves. Thank you again for being such a supportive community for so many years. You are part of the story of how I became a writer, and part of this success. Those of you who have copies, let me know what you think! I hope it touches your heart and sets your imagination on fire.


You have no idea how happy I am to see the remainder of Soulwoven: Exile being uploaded. It's been years since I've read the first book and I'll never forget it and now the sequel is up? Best day ever! 
          Well, now to reread the first one lol.


@KHMaster101 Lol, thanks! It's my way of saying "Thank you" to the Wattpad crew as my next book comes out in print. :-)


Hey, everyone!
          "It takes a very special crew to keep the cloudship Orion running, and no one knows that better than Nadya Skylung, who tends the cloud garden that keeps the ship afloat. When the unthinkable happens and pirates attack, Nadya and the other children aboard--all orphans taken in by the kindhearted Captain Nic--narrowly escape, but the rest of the crew is captured. Alone and far from help, only Nadya and her four brave and loyal friends can take back the Orion and rescue the crew. And she'll risk life and limb to save the only family she's ever known. But . . . this attack was no accident. What exactly are the pirates looking for? Could it be Nadya they've been after all along?"
          That's the description for NADYA SKYLUNG AND THE CLOUDSHIP RESCUE, which comes out in just two weeks! An excerpt of the first chapter is up at YA Books Central (, plus you can enter there to win a copy of the hardcover.
          I know it's tacky to advertise books here, and I apologize for it, but I had the Wattpad community in mind when I wrote Nadya---it exists because of you guys, and for you guys (check Nadya's journal writing if you don't believe me), and I want to make sure you know about it. If you loved the adventures of Litnig, Ryse, Cole, Len, Leramis, Tsu'min and the Soulwoven crew, I bet you'll love Nadya, Tam, Salyeh, Tian Li, and Pepper even more.
          You'll be able to find the book most places worldwide that sell English books. Amazon has it. Barnes and Noble has it. Your local bookstore should have it. Your library (school and public) might have it, and if they don't you can ask for it and they'll probably get it for you (it's had really good reviews, which librarians dig). You can pre-order it already.
          I'll do just a few more posts about it when it comes out. In the meantime, thanks for hanging with me, and I've got a little thank-you coming. ;-)


Howdy all---BIG NEWS TODAY! It's been a couple years since I was active regularly on Wattpad, and you might wonder what I've been up to. Well, I was busy writing and and navigating the traditional publishing process, and it's all paying off next year, when my book NADYA SKYLUNG AND THE CLOUDSHIP RESCUE will be published on May 15, 2018, by G.P. Putnam's Sons---ILLUSTRATED BY BRETT HELQUIST (who did the illustrations for Lemony Snicket's A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS).
          There's  a big ol' news post, plus the reveal of the cover, on my website today at and I hope you'll drop by to check it out.
          Thanks for all your support over the years. You guys were there for me when nobody else was, and I will always love this community because of it. I'm hoping to get in touch with Wattpad about some fun Nadya-related opportunities for you. Fingers crossed I'll have more news soon. In the meantime, hope to see you all in Nadyaland! :-D


@0mime0 Just saw this message from way back. Thank you! :-D


@realjeffseymour WHAAAAAAAT?!!! Congrats! Actually went and preordered before I came to comment lol. I remember when you had a bit of that posted on here and it was so imaginative and fun. Nadia had a great voice! UGH now I have to wait for May 15th to finally find out what happens.
            Also love Brett Helquist's work. Can not believe you got him! So excited!!


@realjeffseymour congrats, man! exciting news. I'll keep my ear to the ground with all this!