
I hate to ask this, but this account is copying my story and refuses to take it down so if you can report @theoutbreak3 for copying my story that would mean a lot.


@revolutionL  I saw them on TikTok, I didn't pay much attention but I'm almost certain that they copied you. I'm really sorry that your idea was stolen <3


does anyone know what platform she’s on now?


@valqqi i believe she’s on tiktok?


They have a discord I don’t know what is it but my girlfriend is friends with them.


@seocals no but I'd also like to know so if anyone knows, pls.. 


Hey, I’ve had problems with people copying my work on here too and ended up having to delete everything and start over. If you need another site to post on I’d recommend FictionPress. I’ve liked using it so far. They don’t allow anyone to copy and paste from their site or download the story in any way and they only let people post unique work (almost like a plagiarism checker.) They also give some pretty good tips if you’re starting out too. I hope that helps because I really love the idea you have so far! 


Hi! It’s awful that someone is copying your story but I just want to tell you that this is one of the best books/ stories that I have ever read! And let me tell you I’ve read a lot... This is unique and I love that you’ve represented so many different sexualities and also gender identities other than girls and boys. 
          If you’d want to translate your book to Swedish I’d be happy to help! Good luck with writing