




When I first watched She ra I was like 8, so I didn't really understand why Adora was so missed at Glimmer for liking shadow weaver, I've rewatched it many many times since then, but I only recently figured out why Adora was so mad. Imagine one of your best friends becoming buddies with someone who manipulated, and abused you your entire childhood. That's pretty messed up.


@rickriordanisatroll yeah, also glimmer spends the first few seasons talking about how awful the hoard is and keeps telling adora that then flips the minute it's benefiting her, it's an awful thing to do to a friend


I have a friend and he keeps asking "Why are you guys ignoring me?" Even though we're literally not, like me and my bestie were fangirling after we hadnt seen eachother in TWO WEEKS which is crazy long for us, and we didn't hear something he said bc if our squeals and now we don't like him? And he keeps petting our feet, like wtf? And then I told him that's probably why our other friend left before and his response was "I don't do that any more, I'm out of my foot fetish" when he was literally doing it 5 minutes ago. And one time he kept kicking our friend's ankles really hard and she told him to stop bc it hurt and he just looked at her and continued doing it. And another time in English our friend was trying to do her work bc it was rlly important and he just kept signing them out of their chromebook and messing stuff up, (I'm in a different English class so I wasn't there for that, but still) then she got mad and he once again asked, "why don't you like me?" Today was the athletics carnival and he mumbled something and everyone was cheering really loud and I asked what did you say because I generally couldn't hear him and he went, "there you go ignoring me again." And he keeps saying these really sus things that are actually really annoying and he won't stop. Please help


@rickriordanisatroll I’d ditch his ass if I were you he really doesn’t sound like a nice person


@rickriordanisatroll stop being friend with him he sounds like a bad friend and kinda weird..


this message may be offensive
Someone's starting shouting at their sister "use a condom please! I'm not ready to be an aunty yet, please don't fuck in the toilets" and someone got slime stuck in my hair


@rickriordanisatroll lol yeah never visit the school cafeterias


@rickriordanisatroll loud, noisy, milks and bannanas being thrown everywhere. Kids grabbing bannanas and deep throating them then chucking them at some kid.  Shocing ppl arpund and cutting in line :(


You know your family has a problem when all together you have 6 bookshelves that are all completely full and still have books left over.


this message may be offensive
          I feel like a lot of shit is happening . My thanks and appreciatation to another author @OfficialSolangelo  for making me aware of this. (The below message was copied and pasted)
          Are you part of the LGBTQ+ community??
          Have you heard of project 2025?
          Have you heard that if Trump gets elected as president, you can be denied a job because you are LGBTQ+?
          Please, copy this message and post on someone else's board, text it to your friends, anything.
          This project entails much more than this, so please look into it and become educated on the subject.
          No more abortions is another thing.
          Imagine being draped and having to keep a child inside of you for nine months, and having to raise it even though you didn't want the child, or to be raped.
          If you got an illegal abortion, you would spend more time in jail than your rapist. Assuming they got caught, because let's be honest, they never are.
          Please, spread awareness.


Hannah's back as Gothlover2024 be careful