
Guys..omg!!! My book is ranked 55th now#!! Thank you so much for this.❤❤❤ keep going the love


I wrote a book some months ago and i did not expect for it to have so much readers. Thank you so much guys for making my book ranked 149th. It may not be in the 10th but i still love you guys. Without you all it would not have been possible. I am planning to write a book..hopefully improving my grammar. 


Hello guys..i hope you enjoyed my book till yet. There are lot of grammatical errors in, and i dont have any problem if you pin point out my mistakes. If you have not read it yet then its high time to do it. The book is called 'Hell was her life till he came'. I was thinking about changing its name to a more romantic name..feel free to suggest some if you have.
          Lots of love, Riz❤


@AshnaAsh2 ....yes will update after exams


@Scarlettegurl  i'm waiting for more ❤