
Because I had added a few things, I updated each chapter of Heart for Hate for those of you keeping up with the first book. I also added a new chapter as well. I apologize for being away for so long and having not been able to focus much at all on writing. Hopefully I'll be able to update more in the near future. Thank you for continuing to stay with me. Au revoir for now, darlings. Write on.


Because I had added a few things, I updated each chapter of Heart for Hate for those of you keeping up with the first book. I also added a new chapter as well. I apologize for being away for so long and having not been able to focus much at all on writing. Hopefully I'll be able to update more in the near future. Thank you for continuing to stay with me. Au revoir for now, darlings. Write on.


Okay lovelies. I hate to say this, I really truly do. But I am going to be MIA for a short while due to some unsolved situations, both in reality and fictional, so I completely and truly apologize for the lack of updates and, to those whose work I am helping with, edits. I promise I will be back as soon as possible. Thank You for all you have done and continue being you and your wonderful selves. Write on, darlings. Write on.


To those of you whose work I am currently editing, I am getting a little backed up due to others asking for larger pieces to be looked over and gone through. Please and Thank You for being patient with me as I get them done as fast as I can. Write on, darlings.


So I decided that rather than post small bits of each chapter, I'm going to finish writing the Lessons for Heart for Hate before posting the full chapter. Thank you all whoever is reading it for sticking with me so far and dealing with my unusual self for changing things and whatnot. I love you all. Until next time lovelies. Good night.


Alright lovelies, continuing to update Heart for Hate and working slightly on What's Under My Dress. I don't know exactly where I want it to go yet...Twilight is also being updated so be sure to check that out, promises that it is better than the original with a girl who has a personality and somewhat of a pain in the ass vampire. Write on, darlings. I'll be in touch soon.


Sorry for the MIA, the internet decided it didn't want to cooperate for a couple days. I'm back and busy on getting things done so I promise those edits are coming soon. Thank you darlings for being wonderful and patient. I'll be sure to update soon too.


@Horangirl235 I don't just critique, I also edit because all I think critiquing does is take the piece as a whole and I prefer to look at each section as a part before putting it together. That way suggestions can be made of where to put detail if there isn't any already and fix grammatical and punctuation errors. So if you'd like critiquing, you'd have to take the editing as well.